Chapter 3

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She ran inside her house. I followed. "You guys should stay here. I got this." I whispered calmly. I walked inside to see her house torn into bits. Halley was looking around for her mom. I reached the basement to see her mom laying on the floor holding a letter. "Halley! Come here fast" I yelled. She bolted down the stairs. "What is it br....."  "Oh my Gosh! Mom??!! "Come here sweetheart. The tornado threw me around and I'm..... Im not going to make it." A tear rolled slowly down Halley's  cheek and landed gracefully on her shoulder. "Here is a letter I made when I saw the tornado. Open it when you need me. I love you Halley." She took one last deep breath. "She's gone. She is really gone...." Halley said still in shock. "It's okay. Take your time. We will head out tomorrow" I said. "No. I'll be fine. What if the same happens to other parents and we aren't there?"  I nodded my head, as we headed up stairs. Halley gathered her backpack and found a machete and bow and arrow that she keeps in her room in case. Then we went to my house. I struggled to open the door way because of all the debree leftover from the tornado. Tai and Ewan came over and helped me push the door. We finally got it open. I walked inside with Halley following behind me. I look  .
" lots of destroyed furniture, pieces of broken dishes everywhere , and leaves tons and tons of leaves from the two big maple trees out front. Halley went over to the kitchen and looked around and noticed ripped up peaces of paper. "Hey Bry.... Come look at this I think it's a note" Halley said. I walked over and took a look."I think I can read what it says." Halley said. "Hey Bry, your father and I went on a business trip to Australia. Sorry for late notice but we will be gone for 3 months. Your grandmother is going to come and watch you guys. Cameron is at home still so make sure you do stuff with him. Love you, mom." I gasped and ran and told the others. Tears dripping down my cheeks. "Cameron is still here.... I, I don't know if, if he is alive."

The End~Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now