Chapter 1

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Jimmie's POV

I walked on Stockholms for once empty streets. Not so strange that nobody was out, it was midnight in the middle of the winter. It was so cold outside! I walked as fast as I could to the busstop. The only people there was a homeless guy that was asleep in a corner and a girl that sat next to the broken bench next to the busstop. I couldn't see her face, it was covered with black hair and shadows. She only wore black jeans that had holes on the knees and a too big sweater and Dr. Martens that seemed kinda old. Nothing was really special about her but I couldn't keep my eyes from her, something about her interested me. 

The bus came after a while. In the corner of my eye could I see the girl stand up and walk towards the bus I was on. I sat down in the back part of the bus. She was taller than I expected, but still not that long. She was really thin, at least what I could see. When she walked pass me the, smell of smoke and mint hit me and I could hear screaming music from her headphones. She sat down at the end  of the bus. I looked back to see if I could see her face but the hair still covered it. 

When I got home was it dark in the big empty house. I walked around and turned the light on in every room, even though I would have to turn it off when I got to bed later. This house was a little too big for someone who lived alone so I had often friends over but tonight was I all alone. But it's not like you're gonna say no to a big house for free. My parents gave me this house a couple of months ago on my 18th birthday. That and the BMW that was in the garage. 

I walked over to the fridge and looked in it. Not because I was hungry, just to see what was in it. Absolutely nothing. I would have to go to the super market tomorrow. Or today, since it was 3 am. 

I walked around in the house and turned of the light before i went to bed. 

I didn't wake up until 1 pm the next day. The sun shined through my bedroom window. I got dressed quickly and then went out to the car. 

I saw her when she walked in to the store. She walked hand in hand with a little kid, not older than two years old. A teenager walked next to her with a kid that was probably seven or eight years old next to her. They all looked like each other, they were probably siblings. 

This was the first time I saw her face. She was really pale, she had black make-up that made her light green/yellow eyes look even lighter and a piercing in her lip. Her black hair was teased.

I didn't understand what was so special with her. She was just another emo-chick. But I had to know more about her.

Alexandria's POV

Lily walked next to me with her hand in mine, Julie next to me on the other side and Adam next to her. As usual we had to shop our own food. Mom didn't come home yesterday. I didn't know where she was but probably out with some guy that she would dump after two dates. 

I didn't really care where she was but i felt sorry for my siblings. Those kids deserved a better mom. Someone who cared about them. 

It had been like that since she threw out my dad, or he left, i didn't really know what happened between them actually. He had now a better family down in Gothenburg. My siblings only met him on christmas now, but i never joined them. I hadn't seen him for over two years. 

Lily didn't even have the same dad as we. I don't even think that mom knew who he was. 

 I shopped so we had food to the dinner for the night, I didn't have money for more. It was when I was paying for the groceries that I saw him, that staring guy from the bus. He was packing his things while he looked at me at times. I had no idea of who he was or why he stared so much but it really bothered me. 

 Home in the apartment was it still empty. Mom wasn't home yet. I walked in to my room and closed the door behind me. I took my acoustic guitar and started to play on it. I didn't play for long until I heard a door open and close. I had to look who it was, it could be Lily who walked outside or Adam. It was mom. Her hair was a total mess and her make-up  was smeared. As usual. She didn't even look at me, just walked in to her room and shut the door after her. 

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