Chapter 30

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Alexandria's POV

Our flight to London was gonna leave the ground 7 am so we had to be there around 6 am. We took a cab to the airport. It was crowded with people even though the clock was so early. Everyone was in a hurry to get to the right gate. 

The flight took a little over two hours but I slept through it all and it felt like only a second. 

"Hey Alex, we're here", Will said and shook my shoulder. 

"Already?" I yawned.

"If two hours is already then yes, already", he said and smiled.   

We walked off the plane and got our baggage, then we headed over to the venue. Black Veil Brides were doing their soundcheck when we arrived but when CC saw me he literally jumped over the drum set and ran over to me and hugged me.

"I've missed you so much!" he said.

"I missed you too", I said and hugged him harder.

"Can't… breath…", he said after awhile.

"Sorry", I said and let go of him. 

"I'm so glad that you're back. It's been so boring without you here."

"Thanks CC, thank you very much", Jake said as he walked pass us.

"I'm only telling the truth", CC said. 

"Yeah yeah yeah", Jake muttered and walked away.

"So are you ready for tonight?" CC asked me.

"As ready as I can be."

"It's really amazing that you're doing this you know", he said and smiled.


We stood there quiet and watched as MIW started their concert. Even though I had only been gone for one week had I really missed all of this. 

CC held my hand the entire time, like he didn't want me to go away again. 

"Okay, our time", Will said as MIW walked off the stage. "Sure you're ready for this?" 

"Yeah", I said even though I wasn't so sure anymore.

What if I couldn't take it? For gods sake, I was gonna sing her song. Oh well, too late to back out now.  The fans screamed as we made our way out on the stage. That made me for the first time since her death, smile for real. It made me feel happy for once. 

We played a couple of songs before we decided to play Save Me. 

"Okay, most of you probably know why we were off tour for a week. And for those who don't, well, my best friend died. And she wanted me to do one thing, or two actually. She wanted me to go back on tour and sing her song. So here it is: Save Me", I said and the music started to play. 

I felt so relieved when we finished that song. I had made it through the whole song. The fans screamed as loudest after that song which made me really happy. It was a great song and I knew that they thought so too. Just to bad that it wasn't Danielle who got to perform it herself. 

Now was it time for Danger Line. 

My 16 locked and loaded

All fear has been avoided

You say the words and my weapon is drawn

This one could be my last time

Some people call it war crime

I may be staring down a lethal site... to die

Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole

Leaving my fear on the danger line

Suffering a man should never know

Leaving my faith on the danger line

I do this for my family

My daughter loves her daddy

Too many talk down on things they don't know

With colors never faded

Reckless and unabated

They may take me but never take us all, I'll crawl

Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole

Leaving my fear on the danger line

Suffering a man should never know

Leaving my faith on the danger line

I know what you're thinking

I've been there before

So think of the times

The time we spent laughing away

So think of the times, at home.

Now I find myself in my own blood

The damage done is far beyond repair

I never put my faith in up above

But now I'm hoping someone's there

I never meant to leave this world alone

I never meant to hurt the ones who care

And all this time I thought we'd just grow old

You know, no one said it's fair

Tell my baby girl that it's alright

I've sung my last song today

Remind the Lord to leave his light on, for me

I'm free

It was when I sang the last line that I realized that this was the song she died to. This was the last thing she listened to. It was there her life ended. 

I couldn't take it anymore. The tears filled my eyes. I threw the microphone on the ground and ran off stage and out from the venue. 


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