Chapter 25

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Alexandria's POV

I woke up after what seemed like forever. I could feel how swollen my eyes were from all the crying. I looked around in the room, expecting to see CC there somewhere but he wasn't there. I didn't mind though. Or maybe I did. It felt nice to be alone though it also meant that I was all alone with my thoughts. My thoughts about Danielle. I still couldn't believe that she was gone and the pain was more than I could bare. She was my best friend in the entire world, the only friend I had when I lived in Sweden, she was my sister. And now, gone. She was never coming back. 

I could feel the tears starting to escape from my eyes again. It was hard to believe that I even had any tears left. 

She had tried to do this twice before. Both times someone found her in time. Not this time though. She had been bullied for so many years. Before we met. Then it stopped after we became friends, probably because I punched down every idiot that was mean to her. It must have started again when I left. 

The door from the bathroom opened and Eric walked into the living room. "Oh you're up", he said and walked over to the couch and sat down next to me. 

I turned my face away from him, not wanting him to see me cry. I didn't like it when people saw me crying, it made me feel weak. 

"Alexandria, you don't have to hide your tears. This must be very hard for you and I'm really sorry about everything that have happened", Eric said and put his arms around me which only made me cry harder. 

"I will never see her again", I cried to his chest. "I don't know what to do without her." 

"You will find a way, don't worry. Just let it take time", he said.

"It's all my fault. If I had only stayed. I could have protected her. This would never have happened", I cried.

"Alex, listen to me", Eric said and lifted my head up so I was facing him. "Nothing is your fault. There is nothing you could have done to save her. Don't blame yourself for not being there." 

I didn't know what to respond to that. I couldn't even talk anymore, the tears were too many. 

It felt like Danielle had taken my heart with her. It felt like all there was left in there was a big black hole. 

Jimmie's POV

We sat on the couch in my living room. Emmie and I. No one of us had anything to say. We both waited for Carl to come back inside after he'd talked to Alexandria. It took almost ten minutes until he came inside again. 

"How did she take it?" Emmie asked with emotionless voice. 

"Not good at all. I told her what happened and she just disappeared. CC said that she just stood there like a statue and looked out on nothing", Carl said and sat down next to me. "I can't believe this fucking happened." 

After that we just stayed quiet again. We all probably thought about the same thing. John's face when he called his father last night. How he had just broken down.                    

We all had been sitting and watched TV when John said that he felt something weird. He said that it felt like someone dragged out something from his body. It was so weird. He then called his father to see if everything was okay back home. His father had told him that everything was fine but John asked him to check on Danielle too. That's when they found her. 

After that had it all been crazy. John ran the two miles home and then later his dad called us and asked us to come to the hospital. 

The look in John's eyes when we arrived to the hospital can't even be described. They were completely dead. I'd never seen him like that. 

"How couldn't we see this coming?" Emmie said.

"We never met her", I said. 

"John should have noticed something, she was his twin sister."

"It's not that easy Em", Carl said.

"I know… I just feel so sorry for John. We all saw the look on his face when they told him. We all saw how he died inside. How is he gonna make it through this? She was his best friend in the entire world. She was his other half." 

"That's why we have to help him through it all now. We have to stay strong for him", Carl said. 

AlexandriaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora