Chapter 36

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Last chapter! c:

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Jimmie's POV

I never thought I would say this but I didn't want Alexandria to go back to America. I wanted her to stay here… with me. Seeing her again made me realize that I wasn't over her. I still loved her like hell. And I knew that she wasn't over me either. I could just feel it! 

But there was nothing I could do. She was leaving today and I would probably never see her again in a long long long while. 

I wanted to apologize to her before she went though. Apologize for how things ended and for how mad I'd been on her. I knew now that she really had to go. I would probably have done the same thing if it was me. 

But she was already on her way to the airport to fly to Gothenburg and visit her siblings before she went back to America. 

"Jimmie? Helloooo?" Emmie said and waved in front of my eyes.

"What?" I asked. 

"What are you thinking about?" she asked.

"Alexandria.." I said and just as the words left my mouth I wished that I hadn't.

"What? Why?" she asked and seemed surprised.

"Uhm nothing."

"Yeah right! You thought about her because you have finally realized that you still loves her. Am I right?" she said and smiled back.

Seriously, how did she do that? Could she read my mind or something?

"I take the silence as a yes", she said. "I fucking knew it!" 

"So what if I do? There is nothing I can do about it know…"

"Are you kidding me? Of course you can!" she said.

Alexandria's POV

"Why do you have to go back to America?" I whined. 

"Because my band needs me, duuuuh. It's not like I'll be gone forever, you're coming home in just a couple of days", CC said. 

We was in the airport and would soon go away to different gates and flights. I would fly to Gothenburg and he would fly home.

"But I don't want to fly all alone for a whole fucking day when I'm going home", I said. 

"To bad for you", CC grinned. 


"Well I have to go now. See you in a couple of days. I love yooooou", he said and hugged me.

"Love you too", I muttered. 

He walked away and I started to walk the other direction. My gate was on the other side of the airport and it was another hour until my plane left so I had nothing to do. 

I sat down on the floor, all the chairs was taken. A group of teenagers all looked at me and probably talked about me. They did that for almost five minutes until they walked over to me. 

"You're Alexandria Smith!" a girl said.


I wondered why they always started like that. It's like, hello I know who I am you don't have to tell me my name! 

"We went to your concert in Gothenburg a couple of months ago", a guy said and smiled.

"Really?" I said and smiled.

"Yeah, you guys were amazing!" another guy said.


"It's so cool that someone from Sweden is in such a big band as Back To The End!" the girl said. 

"It kinda is", I said and grinned. 

"Can we have your autograph?" one of the guys said.

"Yeah sure", I said. "Do you have a pen?" 

"Here", the other guy said and held out a pen for me.


I signed their stuff and talked to them a bit more before they had to go, they were on a trip with their school and would go back to Gothenburg today. 

I would probably end up on the same plane as them. 

I got up and was just gonna walk around a bit more when I heard someone shout at me.


I knew exactly who it was. I turned around and saw Jimmie run towards me.

"Jimmie? What are you doi…" I said but got interrupted by something that totally shocked me. He kissed me. 

I stood there and didn't know what to do for a while but then I kissed him back.

"I love you Alexandria, I still do", he said when we broke the kiss. 

"You do?" I asked shocked. 

I really wasn't expecting this.

"I never stopped. Sure, I was angry as hell at you and I'm sorry for that, but I never stopped loving you. Seeing you now made me realize that", he said.

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked.

"Because I can't be without you Alex. I need you to be able to live. Please."

"I can't stay Jimmie, you know that. My life is in America now and I just can't leave that. I love you Jimmie, I do but I can't leave the band for that."

"And I don't want you to", he said. "I'm coming with you."

"Are you sure? I mean, your whole life is here", I said.

Seriously, what was he talking about? Would he seriously leave it all for me? 

"I don't care. I can make a new life, as long as you're there with me", he said. 

"But I'll be out on tours for months", I said. 

"And I'll be there waiting for you when you get back", he said. "Alex, please." 

He would. He really would. He still loved me and wanted to move all the way to America to me just so I could keep on doing what I loved. I couldn't' even describe the happiness I felt. 

I didn't know what to respond to that. I did it on the only way I knew, I kissed him. I could feel him smile against my lips. 

"Let's go home", I said. 


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