Chapter 22

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Alexandria's POV

I was too excited to meet Danielle that I didn't pay any attention on BVB's concert. I just wanted it to be over so I could run out to her. 

The venue was finally empty except from the ones who had bought Meet and Greet tickets. They stood in a a line and waited for Motionless In White to come out and meet them. I ran out to the place where all the fans had been only minutes ago and where Danielle stood and waited for me. 

She started to smile like an idiot when she saw me, I probably did the same. "ALEXANDRIA!" she yelled.

"DANIELLE!!" I yelled back and hugged her. 

"You were so fucking amazing! I'm so proud of you! And you sang fucking Afterlife for me!" she said when we finally had let go of each other. 

"Of course I did, I know how much you love that song", I said. "Now, are you ready to meet BVB?" 

"Are you serious? I? Meeting BVB?" she asked and looked like she didn't believe me.

"Well of course! You'll get to meet the guys in MIW too after all the Meet and Greets."

"So how are they? Are they as nice as they seem to be in interviews?" Danielle asked when we started to walk backstage.

"Nicer. Especially CC, gash I love that dude." 

Danielle stopped walking. "You and CC?" she asked shocked.

"What? No no no. Not like that. He's like my best friend, except from you", I explained.

"Oh", she said and we continued to walk backstage. 

CC met us backstage with a big smile on his face. "So this is Danielle? Hi, I'm CC", he said.

She just stood there and looked at him with big eyes.

"Is she okay?" CC asked me.

"Uhm yeah, she's a huge fan so I think she's just a little shocked to see you", I said.

"Cool!" he said and smiled even bigger. 

"Danni", I said and nudged her with my elbow. 

"What?" she asked and looked at me. 

"Are you gonna say something?" I asked. 

"Oh fuck! I zoned out didn't' I?" she asked and started to blush.

"Yes you did but that's fine."

"So this is the Danielle that Alex's talking about all the time?" Andy asked as he walked towards us.

"Holy fuck you're Andy Biersack", Danielle said and did a little jump in the air.

"Here I am", Andy said and chuckled. "A fan?" 

"The biggest ever", Danielle said and smiled. 

She met everyone in all the three bands and got along with them really good. She was by my side the entire time during Meet and Greet and talked to my fans. I could see on her that she thought that it was really fun. 

We then went back to her place where I met John, Emmie and Carl too. And after finally three hours of talking to them, was Danielle and I alone and I could finally talk to her.

"So how's life?" I asked as we sat on her room. 

"It's okay I guess. The same. I miss you a lot though" she said.

"I miss you too! I never thought it would be this hard to be away from you", I said. 

"Ever thought about coming back?" she asked and gave me the "puppy eye"-look.

"Don't look at me like that", I laughed. "But I don't think so actually. I'm really happy back in America." 

"I can only imagine", she said and smiled. 

"So what are you going to do now when school is finished and all?" 

"I'm gonna study to become a music teacher", she said and smiled even bigger. 

That had always been Danielle's dream. To be a music teacher. She wanted to learn kids how to appreciate music and love it as much as she did. 

"Awesome, you'll be a great teacher."


We stayed up and talked all night about everything. It felt like we only had talked for an hour when my phone got a text from Jack saying that it was time to go to the airport. 

"I don't want you to go", Danielle said.

"I don't want to go. But I'll be back when the tour is over so we'll see each other then", I said and hugged her. 

"I love you sis", Danielle whispered.

"Love you too."

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