Chapter 8

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Alexandria's POV

It felt like the darkness buried me alive. Where were I? I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything at all. Not speak, not move. What had happened to me?

I could hear someone speak. "I'm gonna go and tell him that she's in a coma. Can he see her?" a woman asked.

"Yeah I guess", a man said.

After that was it just quiet. 

Coma? I was in a coma? 

I heard someone walk into the room and someone who held my hand.

"I'm here babe."

I was Jimmie! He was here! I was so happy! All I wanted to do was to open my eyes and kiss him. He didn't say anything, just held my hand. Once in a while he stroke his hand over my hair. 

The hours went by but he didn't let go of my hand. He was there next to me the entire time. 

I counted the seconds, minutes, hours. After five hours someone walked in to the room. 

"Is she in a coma?" It was Emmie.

Jimmie didn't answer.

"Do they know when she'll wake up?" someone else asked. Carl. 

"They don't even know if she'll wake up. They said that if she don't wake up until the night then she probably won't at all", Jimmie said. 

If? What did he mean with if? Of course that I would wake up. I had to wake up. What would I be doing if i didn't? I couldn't stay here in the darkness anymore. I couldn't die. I'm too young to die! Couldn't they just tell me what had happened?

They didn't say anything. They were just quiet. I wanted them to speak. I wanted to hear their voices. That was funnier than just laying in the dark. 

They did speak sometimes. To tell Jimmie to go home or eat. That were the only times that his hand let go of mine but it was quickly replaced with another one. 

Sometimes they talked to me. Said something about the weather or something like that. I didn't care about the fucking weather! I wanted to know what had happened to me! Why wouldn't they just tell me? 

Sometimes some doctor or nurse came into the room. I didn't know what they did but it sounded like they typed at a computer. 

I stopped count the time. I didn't care anymore. It could have been hours or years. I didn't know. 

Jimmie was the only one in the room right now. It was probably early in the morning. 

Someone else walked into the room and I could hear how Jimmie moved in the chair he sat on. 

"I have something to tell you", a man said, the doctor. "She won't wake up again and we have got her fathers permission to stop keep her alive."

WHAT? They were gonna kill me? They can't do that! That's fucking murder! Doctors are supposed to save life, not end them! 

I wanted to scream to them that I were alive. 

"You can't do that!" Jimmie yelled. "It's only been two months, how can you know that she won't wake up again?" 

"She's practically brain dead."

Brain dead? I think that I'm using my brain pretty good right now. Stupid doctor…

I was starting to panic. Was I dying? Now? I did everything I could to move but it just felt like I had a thousand rocks over me, I couldn't move anything.

Open your eyes!, I thought. Open them now! Prove to them that you're alive for fuck sake!

Jimmie's POV

The weeks went by. All I did was to sit there on the chair next to Alexandria, never left her side. The only times I did leave her side was when my friends made eat but I was only gone for a couple of minutes then. I couldn't leave her here alone. All I did was to hope that she would wake up again. But nothing happened. 

It had now been two months and nothing had changed. The doctor walked into the room.

"I have something to tell you", he said. "She won't wake up again and we have got her fathers permission to stop keep her alive."

They couldn't kill her! Are they fucking crazy? 

"You can't do that!" I yelled. "It's only been two months, how can you know that she won't wake up again?" 

"She's practically brain dead."

How the fuck did he know that? Stupid doctor…

"I'm gonna let you say goodbye", he said.

I gave him an angry look and then turned back to Alexandria. Not to say goodbye though.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw that she opened her eyes, filled with fright.

"Alex?!" I said.

"I'm not dead!" she yelled and sat up. "FUCK!"

she pressed her hand on her stomach and laid down again. 

"Why does it hurt so fucking much?" she said.

I didn't answer. Walked over to her and kissed her. I could feel how she miles against my lips. 

"I love you", she said and smiled.

"I love you too."

"This can't be possible!" the doctor said behind us.

He started to look on the screen next to Alexandria's bed and on the papers he had in his hand. 

He walked over to her. "Do you remember what happened?" he asked her.

She shook her head.

"What is your last memory?" he asked.

"Christmas, i poured water over Jimmie to wake him up", she said after have been thinking for a while. "What day is it?" 

"February 26th", I said.

"Oh… so what happened?" she said.

"Someone stabbed you with a knife three times in the stomach, we don't know who though", the doctor said. 

"Stabbed me?" she said in chock. "Who would have done that?" 

"That's what the police is trying to figure out."

The doctor kept on asking her about things she remembered. She had lost one and a half day in the memory, well that and the two months she'd been in a coma.

After almost an hour the doctor left us alone.

"Thank you", Alexandria said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For not leaving me", she said and smiled.

"How do you know that I didn't do that?" I asked surprised.

"I heard everything and felt everything", she explained. 

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