Chapter 6

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Jimmie's POV

I woke up of that someone pored water over my head. "What the fuck?" I yelled and sat up to find Alexandria in the bed next to me with a glass in her hand. 

"Ugh I hate you", I muttered and laid back again.

"I know you love me", she laughed and kissed me. 

"Why did you do that?"

"The clock is two on christmas! And I've tried to wake you up since five am this morning but it didn't work so..." she said and laughed again. 

"Now come on!" she said.

She took her clothes from the floor and went in to the bathroom. 

I got dressed in a shirt and jeans before I went downstairs. 

"Merry christmas", I said to Emmie and Carl who sat in the sofa.

"Hi", Emmie mumbled with her eyes closed. 

"Tired?" I asked.

"Yes. Your girlfriend woke us up five am! And you got to sleep til two... not fair!" Emmie said and glared at me.

"Sorry", I laughed.

"So, my parents is coming over in an hour with all the food", Emmie said.

"Awesome", Carl said.

"That means that we have one hour to kill so what are going to do?" she asked.

"Donald Duck is in fifteen minutes", Carl said and grinned big.

"Yay", I mumbled. 

It took an hour before Alexandria came downstairs. She was dressed in  black skinny jeans and a black shirt. Her hair were straightened and teased and she had black make-up, just like always. 

It was weird how two people so different like us could be together. She was a total rebel and did what she wanted without caring if someone else got offended by it. I was raised to always be nice and polite. Never said against someone and always thought about what I said before I said it. 

I never thought that I would be with someone like her.

"Hi babe", she said and kissed me.

She went in to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine that she drank from. No glass. That girl didn't have any class at all. I wondered what my parents would think of her. 

She sat down on my lap and watched the tv. "Ooooh! Donald Duck!" she exclaimed.

I didn't understand what everyone thought was so special about Donald Duck on christmas... it was the same thing every year. What was so fun about that?

I was pleased to see that it only was five minutes left of the show. 

"I missed it", Alexandria said disappointed. "Why didn't you tell me that it had started?"

"Sorry honey, next time."

"But it's a whole year until that", she mumbled. 

The doorbell rang. The one who was on the other side didn't wait for me to open the door. It was John and his family. 

"DANIELLE!" Alexandria shouted and ran over to her.

"ALEXANDRIA!" Danielle shouted back and hugged her. 

"Happy christmas", Alexandria said and grinned.

"Alex, you say 'merry christmas'", John and Danielle's dad Peter said.

Alexandriaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن