Chapter 28

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Jimmie's POV

"We're going to John's now", Carl said to me.

"Have fun", I mumbled.

"Jimmie, no. You're coming with us", Emmie said.

"Why? You know that she'll be there. And you know that where ever she is, is the last place I want to be on." 

"Well we're not going there to meet her, we're going to show our support to John. He buried his sister today remember?" Emmie snapped. 

"He'll understand if I don't come." 

"Ugh! Jim just stop being so fucking mad at Alexandria and come now! John needs us more than ever right now, Alexandria too. Can you just forget everything that happened between the two of you for one day please?" 

"Okay I'll come but I'm not going to talk to her", I muttered and walked out to the car. 

We went to John's house. He stood in the doorway and looked after someone.

"Is something wrong?" Carl asked and gave John a weird look.

"Yeah, Alexandria", he said and continued to look down the street.

"I thought she came with you", Emmie said.

"She did but then she just left and told me she'd be back."

"Well then will she probably be back later", Emmie said. 

"I know it's just, she left right after she had read the note from Danielle and I'm afraid that she might do anything stupid." 

"Well we'll wait for you inside", Carl said and we all walked into the kitchen.  

Alexandria's POV

I went back to John's house. He stood in the doorway and looked on me confused. "Where did you go?" he asked.

"I had to take care of some things", I said.

"What things?" he asked.

"Punch Tony Moore in the jaw", I said and shrugged. 

"Seriously? Alex that guy is huge, how did you do that? Why did you that?" he seemed really surprised.

"Well I just punched him and then he was on the ground. And I did it because he is a life destroying idiot."

John looked at me for a while, thinking about what I just said. "What do you mean with life destroying?" he asked.

"He was the one bullying Danielle the most. All this is his fucking fault."

I could see the pain in John's eyes when I said Danielle's name. Then he just looked angry. "Well thank you for doing that Alex so I don't have to", he said. "I bought pizza, come on." 

We went to the kitchen and there sat Emmie, Carl and to my surprise Jimmie. He must have known that I was there, so it surprised me that he decided to come too.

"You kicked Tony Moore's ass? Are you insane?" Carl asked and looked impressed. 

"It wasn't that hard", I said.

"Well I know now not to underestimate a small girl", he said and laughed a little. 

I could see in the corner of my eye that Jimmie looked at me and smiled. I decided not to look back at him, I wanted him to continue smile. 

We ate pizza and talked about random stuff the entire afternoon. John's parents didn't come home until dinner. They didn't say anything to us, they looked exhausted poor things. 

Jimmie, Emmie and Carl left when the clock was seven. I decided to stay a little longer.

"Did she write you a letter too?" I asked. 

"Yeah, she only wrote one to you and me", he said.

"Not even your parents?" 


It made me happy that she had decided to write a letter to me. A last goodbye when she couldn't say it for real. 

"What did she write in yours?" John asked.

"Just how happy she was about me being her friend, how grateful she was for everything I've done and how proud she was over me for doing what I really want to do and that I should continue with music", I said. "What did she write in yours?" 

"That she loved me, that she was sorry for leaving this way and that I should follow my dreams and do what really makes me happy", he said and smiled a little.

"That sounds like a good plan", I said and smiled too. 

"So you're going back on tour now?" John asked.

"That's the thought. Danielle wants me to so what choice do I have?" I joked.

"Well, call the next time you're in Sweden so we can meet up again", he said.

"I will", I said and hugged him before I went back to my hotel. 

I called Eric when I was in the cab. "Hello? Is everything alright?" he asked.

Worried motherfucker. 

"Book the flight tickets for London. Back To The End is back", I said and hung up.

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