Chapter 35

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Alexandria's POV  

New years even was finally over and it was a new year!  Hopefully this would be as good as last year. Well it started good at least. I had a interview with the radio channel Bandit today. 

I walked into the studio thingy just as they went to commercial. "Hi Alexandria, I'm Martin", the interviewer who I had listened to so many times on radio said. 

"Yeah I know, nice to meet you", I said and shook his hand. 

"Nice to meet you too. Hope this interview wasn't too early for you."

"Well I haven't gone to sleep yet so no", I said and grinned. 

"Well you can sit here and this will be your microphone", Martin said and showed me where I would sit for the interview. 

I sat down and waited as he said to the radio that the show was back and bla bla bla. "I'm here with Alexandria Smith, the lead singer in Back To The End, the band who has been touring all over America and Europe and getting bigger by every day! Now Alexandria you have to tell me, how did you find this band?" he said. 

"Actually they found me", I said.

"Tell us about that."

"Well I had just got home from school one day when our manager Freddy called and said that he had seen a video of me on YouTube and wanted me to join their band."

"Wow, so it was really a dream coming true there?"

"Yeah, I mean it was such thing that just don't happen but for some reason it did. It's so surreal that they just found a  clip of me on YouTube like that, and that they would find just me", I said. 

"Yes really. So I guess that last year was a good year?" he asked.

"Both, some parts have been the best ever and some have been the worst", I said.

"Yeah I think most of us read about that in Kerrang! when they interviewed you. Want to tell our listeners about what happened?" 

"Uhm sure. About four months ago my best friend killed herself. She had been bullied a lot through the times and I guess it just became too much for her."

Even though it had been four months was it still hard to talk about Danielle. I still missed her like hell. It was a lot easier now though. 

"From what I've heard you went back to tour after that the next week. How did you manage to do that?" 

"I have no idea actually. Well one thing she told be in a note was that I would go back on tour and do what I loved to do so I guess that was what made me go back so soon. It was really hard though, especially when I sang her song on the concerts. I couldn't even finish the first concert but it went better and better every day." 

"What is happening now for Back To The End?" 

"We're going back to the studio to write and record stuff to our upcoming album. Then I guess it's back to touring." 

"Speaking about the next cd, you're going to release a song earlier right?" he asked. 

"Yes, I think it's tomorrow actually."

"Would you like to play it for us live in radio?" he asked and smiled big.

"Sure why not", I said.

He gave me a acoustic guitar. "What's the song called?" he asked.

"The Kiss Of Dawn", I said and started to play.

Blinded I am

And so are you

By shedding tears

Confusion that separates us two

We hold dear

Just look into my eyes

Kiss our fears goodbye

I'm reaching for your shadow

Drowning in the kiss of dawn

Touching the pain that you left me with

At the kiss of dawn

I'm tired of the games

I'm playing with youWhen you're not here

Death frees from the fear of dying

It's true, have no fear

Let me look into your eyes

And see death pass us by

I'm reaching for your shadow 

Drowning in the kiss of dawn

Touching the pain that you left me with

At the kiss of dawn

I'm reaching for you shadow

Drowning in the kiss of dawn

"Wow that song was really amazing! Well thank you Alexandria for coming today and good luck with everything", he said. 

"Thank you", I said and left. 

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