Chapter 16

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Alexandria's POV

Em and the guys went home after two weeks. I met them a couple of times, without Jimmie of course.

I sat in the studio and waited for my turn to record. We was almost finished with the album and I was so excited to show it to the fans! We was actually recording our last song today. 

"Okay Alex, your turn!" Will said.

"Yay!" I said and walked over to the microphone. 

Music started to play in my ears and i began to sing. 

"That was awesome!" Ally said. "We're fucking finished!" 

"There is only one thing left to do", Jack said. "Drink!"

"I promised CC we would go to his house, he's having a party", I said.

"Awesome! I love CC's partys!" Eric said. 

We went to CC's house which was crowded with people. Seriously, i didn't know that so many people could fit in one house. 

I tried to find CC but gave up after a while, i was way to short for this… Well that was until i found Jimmy.

"Hey Jimmy!" I shouted over the loud music.

"Alex!" he shouted and hugged me. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too! What are you doing here?"

"I don't know actually. Matt was invited or something so i joined." he said and smiled. 

"Wanna help me with something?" 

"Sure, what?" 

"I can't find CC, can you see him?" 

"Long Rev-leg come to rescue!" he said and looked up over all the people. "Over there, almost in the kitchen."

"Thanks Jimmy."

"Can I come with you? I'm kinda bored", he said and smiled a huge smile. Who could say no to that smile? 

"Sure Jimbo, I could need your help to get over there anyway", I said and started to walk towards the direction Jimmy said that CC was.  

He stood and talked with Andy. They seemed to have a bit of a fight so i decided not to go over to them yet but that's when CC saw us and shouted to me and Jimmy to get over there. Andy rolled his eyes and walked away. What was it with him? 

"You're finally here!" CC said and hugged me. 

"Here I am", I said and hugged him back. "What was you two talking about? you seemed kinda pissed of at each other."

"Oh that's nothing. Just that we're going to Europe on tour and Andy wants to wait before we go back on tour because he wants to spend time with Juliet", CC said. 

"Oh, can't she join you guys?" 

"Not this time." 

"Are you gonna be away for a long time?" I asked.

"I don't know, three months maybe", he said.

"Well that sucks. I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too", he said.

"When are you leaving?"

"Next week I think." 

After that very boring conversation that had made me a little sad actually, CC and Jimmy did all they could to make me happy again. Which didn't take much, I mean come on, it's CC and Jimmy we're talking about. What was it with drummers and being so fucking funny? Where did they get all the fucking energy from? 

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