Chapter 13

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Alexandria's POV

"Alexandria! Where are you?" Will shouted. 

"Here!" I shouted back from my bunk. 

I had just been getting ready for the concert. Tonight was the last show on this tour. It had already been three months since I came here! It was hard to believe how fast the time had gone.

The fans had been wonderful the whole tour. Some had might not liked me as much as the last singer but the most of them loved me. I had been used to have everyones looks on me now. I loved to stand on stage and didn't regret my decision to join the band at all! 

Well, that wasn't the whole truth.  I missed Jimmie so much still. I had so much guilt for leaving him like that. What I had done was so selfish. 

But if it wasn't now, when was it my turn to be selfish? For years had I been taking care of my siblings. Made sure that they survived even though we didn't have any money. Been without dinner for weeks so they would get any food. 

So I had still done the right thing. This was my turn to shine. He would get over me. If he even missed me…. Maybe he hated me for leaving. I would never get an answer on that one…

But Jimmie wasn't the only one I missed. The ones I missed the most were my siblings. I hadn't seen them for over four months. But it did help a lot that I knew that they were having it good now with their dad. They would get a new start in life. 

"What are you thinking about?" Will asked who sat on my bed.

"Uhm nothing", I said.

"The record label called. We'll be recording the new album when we get back to California", he said.

"Are you kidding me? Are we gonna record an album?" I said excited. 

"Of course, we have to show the new band", he said and laughed a little. 

"I can't wait!" I said. "When is it our turn on the stage by the way?" 

"Half an hour. They had already started to let people in so we won't be able to do a real soundcheck this time."

"Okay, well I'll be there in a minute", I said. 

Will got up and walked away.

I went out to the arena. I didn't know where we were actually, I always forgot the name. Something on O maybe? Nah i don't know. 

I could here the fans scream when I got backstage even though the show didn't start yet. 

Andy stood and jumped up and down while Jinxx, Sammi, Juliet, Matt and Brian sat in a sofa and talked. They were the only ones that I could see backstage.

"Where is my band?" I asked and sat down next to Matt.

"They went somewhere to do something"; Juliet said. 

"Okay. And what are Andy doing?" I asked and pointed towards him.

"Good question", Sammi said. "He's always like this." 

"Well I'm going out for a smoke", I said and walked towards the exit.

"I join you", Brian said and followed me.

We sat down on the ground and leaned towards the building.

"What are you guys doing when the tour is over?" I asked and blowed out smoke.

I still had a little problem to not be a total fangirl next to the guys in A7X, I mean come on, I'm sitting next to Synyster Gates…

"Nothing probably. We've been touring for almost a year now. But I guess that we will be starting to write some new stuff", he said.

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