Chapter 7

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Jimmie's POV

My phone started to call around midnight. Who would call someone this time?

"Hello?" I said.

"Jimmie! You have to come to Alexandria's house! I don't know what happened but she's unconscious and I don't know what to do!" Danielle said with panic on the other line. 

"What?!" I screamed.

"Just get your fat ass over here! NOW!" she yelled and hung up. 

I ran out to the car and drove as fast as i could to Alexandria's house. I didn't really know which apartment she lived in but it didn't take long time for me to figure that out. The door were open and I could hear a child that cried. 

I ran into the apartment and found Danielle sitting on the floor, leaning over Alexandria who was on the floor. Alexandria's sister stood in the corner with her arms around their little brother who cried.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked and ran to Danielle.

"I don't know but she have been fucking stabbed with a knife!" Danielle cried. 

She had her hands on Alexandria's stomach. Her hands were full of blood and also the floor around her. 

"Oh my god", i gasped. "Danielle you have to call the ambulance!"

"Okay", she said and took her phone out from her pocket.

I sat my hands over the wound on Alexandria's stomach to stop the bleeding. I looked at her as i felt tears fall down my cheeks. She couldn't die. Not now. She had to live! 

That's when she opened her eyes. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Jimmie?" she whispered.

"I'm here babe. Everything will be okay now", I said and tried to smile.

"It hurts. I can't..." she whispered and started to close her eyes again.

"Alex look at me! You have to fight just a little longer. You have too!" 

She looked at me again. The tears started to fall from  her eyes.

"I love you", she whispered and closed her eyes. 

I didn't get her to open her eyes again and I could feel the panic grow inside me. 

That's when two paramedics ran into the room.

They told me to back away so they could fix her wounds before they took her to the hospital. 

I walked over to Danielle and watched as the paramedics did everything they could to save Alexandria's life. 

The cops came and took Alexandria's siblings to some relative since they didn't know where their mother were. Danielle and I drove after the ambulance to the hospital.

A nurse told us to wait in the waiting room until she got more information.

We saw down on the chairs and waited. We didn't say anything, just sat there and watched the people that walked by. 

After some hour Emmie, John and Carl came.

"What the fuck happened?" Emmie asked and sat down next to me.

"I don't know", I mumbled.

"Someone stabbed her with a knife. Julie called me as fast as she came home and they had found Alex on the floor", Danielle said.

"How are she now?" John asked and laid his arms around Danielle. 

"They haven't told us anything."

After that the wait continued. It felt like forever. We asked the nurse if she knew anything about Alexandria but she just said that we had to wait. 

The clock were almost three when everyone went home except from me. And it wasn't until the clock were five in the morning that the nurse finally came to talk to me. 

"Are you a relative to Alexandria Smith?" the nurse asked.

"uhm sort of", I said. "How is she?" 

"She had lost almost all blood when she came in and it was very critical for a while. She is in a coma now actually and if she don't wake up until tonight is the chance that she ever will really small", the nurse said.

It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. Coma? She wouldn't wake up again? That couldn't be true. 

"You can see her if you want."

"Will she be able to hear me if I talk to her?" I asked.

"We don't know. Some people in a coma does, other don't. But you can't mention anything about what happened, that can make things worse if she actually can hear you."

I followed the nurse to Alexandria's room. She laid in a hospital bed and it looked like she was asleep. I walked over to her and sat down on a chair next to the bed.

"I'm here babe", I said and took her hand.

I wanted her to wake up like she always did when I said something to her when she were asleep. But she didn't. she just laid there, perfectly still.

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