Chapter 21

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Jimmie's POV

"Please please please come with us!" Emmie pleaded.

"No. Why should I?" 

They were trying to get me to the Back To The End concert. No way I was going there. Like I said, why should I? To be in a crowded venue full of emo teenagers to see the person who I hated. Okay, not hate, dislike very much. 

"When are you going to stop being so angry with her? Seriously Jim it's been what three months? When are you going to get over this?" Emmie said. 

"Do you seriously expect me to want to see her after all that she did?" I asked.

"Did what Jimmie? Followed her dream? You're doing it aren't you so why wouldn't she be able to?" 

"Yeah but I'm not the one who took of to America just like that and ending it all like it never happened." 

"Is that what you think Jim? That she didn't care about you? She had her chance and she had to take it. She was the one who had to leave everyone she loved behind. You're not some fucking victim in this whole thing!" Emmie said and it was obvious that she was getting angry.

"Oh and she is? No one made her go Em and you were just as angry at her as I was a couple of weeks ago." 

"Yeah I know I was and that was stupid. But at least I talked to her and solved it. You should do that too and now is your chance!" 

"No, I'm not going", I said and walked into the living room. 

"You're so fucking annoying Jim you know that?" she yelled before she walked out of the house with the guys. 

Was it really so hard to understand that I didn't want to meet Alexandria? Yeah maybe I shouldn't be mad at her but they still couldn't expect me to meet her and talk to her again like nothing ever happened. 

Alexandria's POV

Today was the day I've waited for! We was finally in Stockholm and I would finally meed Danielle again! It had been more than three months since we last met and we had never gone so long without seeing each other. I missed her like hell! 

She had told me yesterday that Emmie, Carl and John was coming too so I was excited to meet them again. Though it bugged me a little that Jimmie wasn't coming. I knew that he wouldn't but still, I wanted to see him. I wanted to apologize for everything, he just wouldn't give me the chance. It made me really frustrated actually. 

"Can you tell your leg to chill Alex?" Ally said and pointed on my leg that I was shaking. 

"Sorry, can't do that!" I grinned.

"What are you so fucking anxious about?" Eric asked.

"Nothing I just want the fucking concert to start soon!" I said. 

"So you can meet Danielle?" Jack asked.


"I haven't really thought about it before but it must have been really hard for you to leave everyone behind when you joined our band", Ally said.

"Actually, I didn't really think about it then. When Freddy called I just accepted right away and then was I on the plane. I didn't have time to think about everyone else I left behind. That hit me later though." 

"Do you miss them much?" she asked.

"More than I can explain. It's hard to just leave everyone you love and not knowing when you're going to see them again."

"Do you ever regret going?" Will asked.

"Never, this is the best thing that could ever have happened", I said and smiled.

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