Chapter 24

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Alexandria's POV

You know that phone call. The one that everyone will get at some point in their life. The phone call that everyone is expecting but no one wants. The phone call that you're going around and waiting for but it never seems to come. And then, when you're at your happiest moment, when you least expect it, gets it. It change your whole world. Just one little phone call. 

CC and I was in my hotel room after the show. We were in Berlin, Germany. The concert had been awesome but none of us felt like partying tonight so we stayed back at the hotel while the other bands looked around in the town a little. 

"Let's watch TV or something", CC suggested.

"Okay", I said and turned on the TV.

I looked on different channels but every fucking TV-show was on german. 

"I guess we won't watch TV then", CC sighed. 

"Looks like that." 

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I looked on the display, it was Carl. 

"Hi duuuude!" I exclaimed.

"Hi Alex", he said. I could hear on his voice that something was wrong.

"Has something happened?" I asked worried.

"Uhm yeah. I don't know how to say this Alex…"

"What happened? Is it bad?" I asked.

"It's… it's Danielle. She's… gone", he said slowly and I could hear how hard it was for him to say that.

"What do you mean? Gone?" and just as I asked that I understood. She had done it. 

It couldn't be. I must have heard wrong. She couldn't be. 

"She's dead Alex. She took her life."

It was true. 


I watched as Alexandria talked to someone on the phone and all the sudden the smile she had on her face just disappeared and the look in her eyes died. She just stood there with the phone in her hand. I could hear the person on the other line say her name over and over again. 

I walked over to her and took the phone from her hand. She didn't move at all, didn't even look at me. 

"Hello?" I said in the phone.

"Hi CC, it's Carl", he said on the other line.

"Oh hi man. Uhm what did you tell Alexandria? She's like a fucking statue." 

"Uhm Danielle took her life tonight", he said.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, her mom found her in her room. She was rushed to the hospital but it was too late."

"Oh man, I'm so sorry. How's John doing?" 

"He's beyond destroyed."

"I can't even imagine", I said. 

Wow, loosing a twin sister like that. That must be the hardest thing ever. 

"The funeral is next week, can you tell Alex that?"

"Yeah sure", I said and we both hung up. 

I looked back on Alexandria. She looked at me with her eyes full of tears.

"Please tell me it isn't for real", she said and the tears fell from her eyes. 

"I'm so sorry Alex", I said and hugged her.  

We stood there in the middle of the hotel room and she cried in my arms. I had never seen her like this. I'd never seen her unhappy. And it broke my heart.

I couldn't do anything to make it better and it was the worst feeling to have ever. 

I walked us over to the sofa and sat down with her in my lap. We sat there for hours until she finally fell asleep, exhausted from all the tears.

I woke up the next morning of that someone knocked on the door. I moved Alexandria from my lap without waking her up and then walked over to the door. It was Eric.

"Oh, hi CC, I didn't know you were here. Where's Alexandria? We have to go to the next venue like now", Eric said and seemed a little stressed out.

"About that…", I said and closed the door behind me. 

"Has something happened to Alex?" 

"Not really. It's Danielle actually. She took her life yesterday. Alex have been crying her eyes out all fucking night", I explained.


"Yeah, I doubt that she'll be able to do a concert right now."

"I understand  that. Shit, I have to talk to the rest of the band", he said.

"I'll talk to them. You should probably be in there with her when she wake up, I don't think it's good if she's alone right now."

"You're right. Will you guys be okay without us on tour for a while?" Eric asked.

"Yeah sure", I said and walked towards the elevator. 

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