Chapter 33

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Four months later

Jimmie's POV

It was new years eve. We would all go to John's house, his parents were having a new  years eve party. But before that would we meet Alexandria and some Christian in the mall.

I didn't want to go but as usual, Emmie forced me. 

I really didn't understand why she wanted me to come with them when they were meeting Alexandria. I had already agreed to come to the party even though she would be there but why did I have to be at the mall with her?

"Jimmie come on now! We have to go", Emmie shouted downstairs.

I sighed and walked downstairs. "Do I have to go?" I whined.

"Yes now come on!" she said and started to push me towards the door. 

I drove over to John's house to pick up him and Carl. They were already waiting for us outside John's house. 

It had now been four months since Danielle died and John had slowly getting over it. Okay not getting over it but learned to live with the fact that she was gone at least. He didn't look like the same guy anymore though. He had gotten really thin and in some weird way it seemed like all color in his skin and hair had faded.People who didn't know him that well probably didn't noticed anything but we were his best friend and spent almost every day with him.

I then drove the forty minutes to the city and to the big mall. I still didn't get it why I had to go there, or any of us for that matters. It was Emmie who was gonna buy a dress for tonight and wanted company. 

I thought about what I had done last new years eve. It was the time when Alexandria had been in a coma and I had been with her. I'd been sitting to that chair next to her bed and watched on the monitor that was making sure her heart was beating with a constant beep-noice. It seemed so long ago, but it was only a year. And a hell lot had happened in that year. 

The mall was full of people. Everyone was buying the last things for new years eve. "I'm gonna call Alexandria", Emmie said and walked away. 

"Jimmie, can you make it a little more obvious that you don't want to be here?" John said and grinned.

"How is that obvious?" I asked and raised a eyebrow.

"It just glows from you", Carl said. "Come on, it's not gonna be that bad." 

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one who have to spend the whole day with your ex", I said.

"Well that's true", Carl said. "Still, it's not gonna be that bad though."

"Who is this Christian guy anyway?" I asked.

"It's Alexandria's friend. He is drummer in some band, what was it called now again?"

"Black Veil Brides", John said.

"Yeah that's right", Carl said.

I knew about that band. Alexandria had talked about that band so many times when we were together. It was her favorite band. She was always making me listen to them. Well lucky her who got to meet them I guess. 

"Guys! Alexandria and CC is waiting tav Taco Bar for us", Emmie shouted. 

We walked over to her and then all the way to Taco Bar which was on the other side of the mall.  Alexandria sat at a table next to a guy who I guessed was Christian. "Hi Alex", Emmie exclaimed.

Alexandria looked up on her with shocked eyes.

"What is it? Has something happened?" 

Alexandria's POV

Finally back in Stockholm! I never thought I would say this, but I missed my hometown a little. 

We were gonna meet up Emmie, John, Carl and Jimmie in an hour at the mall so we decided to walk around on the town for a while.

"Where are we going?" CC asked.

"Rock Zone", I said.

"What's that?" he asked.

"A store, duuh."

"Let me guess, you want to go there so you can see if they have any Back To The End shirts?" 

"Maybe", I said and grinned. 

"So, changing the subject: are you excited to meet your ex today?" 

"No. I mean, I want to meet him but it's gonna be so damn awkward", I said.


"Because he hates me. It's Emmie who is forcing him to join today but I know that he doesn't want to. He don't want to be anywhere near me." 

"You don't know that. And I think he wants to meet you as much as you wants to meet him, he just won't admit it", CC said and smiled. 

I didn't answer him on that one, just smiled back. But I knew that what I said was true. I was sure about that.

We walked around in the store for a while and looked on all the band merch they had, which was a lot. I found like five different Back To The End shirts. That always made me happy, to see our band on a shirt. 

We then made our way to the mall. It was full of people. I just hoped that no one would recognize me or CC, I really wasn't in the mood to talk to a bunch of fans today. 

"I'm hungry", CC said.

"Let's go over to Taco Bar and we can eat there when the others come", I said. 


We walked over to Taco Bar and sat down at a table. 

Then I saw someone gave me a total shock. There, among the people, was my mom. She looked at me with big eyes before she disappeared into a store. 

It wasn't the fact that I saw her that shocked me. It was that I suddenly remembered. The day I got stabbed. 

It all came back to me. How my mom and come home drunk and I had gotten mad about it since my siblings would come home that day. We had started a big argue and then, just like that, she stabbed me. I remembered how I laid there on the floor and couldn't do anything. How my siblings came home to find me there and that Julie called Danielle who came over. She then called Jimmie and after just a couple of minutes was he there and told me not to close my eyes and to fight. To continue live.

"Hi Alex", I heard Emmie say. 

I looked up on her with big eyes.

"What is it? Has something happened?" she asked.

"She stabbed me", I mumbled, still in shock. 

"Huh?" Carl said.

"It was my mom who stabbed me."

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