Chapter 26

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Alexandria's POV

Today was the day. The funeral. The last goodbye of Danielle before she got buried. Deep down in the ground. 

I got dressed in a black dress that ended right above my knees and my Iron Fist heels with zombies on. Danielle had always loved those shoes. I put my hair up in a pony tail and put some eyeliner on my upper eyelids. 

"Are you sure you don't want us to come with you?" Ally asked. 

"Yeah, I'll be okay on my own", I said and smiled a weak fake smile. I didn't even care to try. No real smile would come from these lips. 

"Call us if something happens okay?" Will said.

"Sure", I said and walked out of the hotel room. 

On the street waited a cab to take me to the church. It was almost 30 minutes away. I put on my sunglasses so no one would recognize me before I sat down in the cab. 

The ride seemed to take forever. All the time I thought about that this would be the last time I would at least be in the same room as Danielle, or her body… It broke my heart to think that but it was the truth. 

"We're here", the cabdriver said. 

I paid him before I got out of the cab. Emmie, Carl and Jimmie was walking towards the church. They saw me when I slammed the cab door shut. Jimmie sighed and continued to walk into the church while Emmie and Carl waited for me. 

"Hi", Emmie said and smiled.

"Hi", I said with emotionless voice. 

"Are you alright?" she asked and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Physically, yes", I said. "Let's go inside." 

We walked inside the church. I hadn't been here since I graduated 9th grade, which was three years ago. It all looked the same, smelled the same, was the same. The only thing that was different was that at the end of the church stood a black coffin. 

I stopped walking and just stared at the coffin with big eyes. There she was. The remains of my best friend was laid there in the coffin. 

"Come on", Carl said and took my hand. 

We walked over to the second row where Jimmie sat and sat down on the bench. John and his family sat on the bench in front of us. John had his head down, staring at his hands.

I could feel that someone looked at me and turned my head towards Jimmie. I always knew when he looked at me. His looks felt different for some reason than everyone else's. He looked away when he saw that I looked back at him. Oh how I wanted him to forgive me… 

The funeral started. The priest talked about all the good things about Danielle and how loved she was. I didn't listen to a word he said though. I already knew all the good things about her, probably more than most of the people that was in that church. I knew everything about her. She told me things she didn't even tell John. 

I just wanted her to live again. Wanted to say goodbye for real. Wanted to see her face and hear her voice. All that I wouldn't do again. 

Then it was time to lay a rose on the coffin. Her family started. I looked on John as he laid the rose on her coffin, tears falling from his eyes. I'd never seen him this hurt. After that was it our turn. I walked slowly towards the coffin after Emmie who held my hand the entire time. I laid the white rose on the coffin and whispered "lay away a place for me, 'cause as soon as I'm done, I'll be on my way, to live eternally."

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