Chapter 20

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Alexandria's POV 

I ran around and danced on stage along with the music and the fans's screams. The concert was amazing and as always I loved every second of it. 

"Okay! It's time for one last song! This is Disarm Me!" I shouted in the microphone and the music started to play. 

The fans sang along with every word which was the most wonderful feeling ever. 

The promise of heaven pushed us right back to hell

Turned three sevens into three sixes again

And you laughed at my face when i told you how much it hurts

And said...

Disarm me with your loneliness just like always before

Deceive me out of my emptiness telling me how you love

You keep on tempting me to go on whatever the cost

To witness the prettiest flower in bloom wither to dust

So I'll break all the rules in this endless game once called love

For you..

Disarm me with your loneliness just like always before

Deceive me out of my emptiness telling me how you love

No more

Disarm me with your loneliness just like always before

Disarm me with your loneliness just like always before

Deceive me out of my emptiness telling me how you loveMe with all your heart

No more

Tell me how much you miss my warmth

Tell me how my kiss can change your world

Tell me how much it hurts to be alone

Lie to me that you love me with all your heart

No more 

We finished the show and ran off stage. "Wow! Seriously, that was like the best show you've ever done!" CC exclaimed.

"Really? It felt really good", I said and hugged him. "Out and fucking play now!"

He ran out on stage with his band after him. Ricky and Chris from Motionless In White and Eric from my band came and stood next to me as we watched BVB's concert.

"I like the swedish audience, seriously these guys know how to mosh!" Chris said with a big smile on his face.

"I know right! They're awesome!" Eric said.

"And I have a feeling that they're gonna be even more awesome tomorrow", I said and grinned.

"You only say that because it's your hometown", Ricky said.

"No it's true! Seriously, I've been on those concert, it's insane!"

"Well if that's the case then tomorrow will be the best show ever!" Chris said.

"Hell yeah", Eric shouted.

We continued to watch BVB's concert in silence. They really did a great job, like everyone had done today. They finished their show and ran off stage.

"Okay, so there will be a little meet and greet for thirty people but the bands are gonna do it separate, we start with Motionless In White so BTTE and BVB, be back in like half an hour okay?" Jon, BVB's tour manager said.

"Okay", I said and walked towards the place where the audience had been only minutes earlier.

I wanted to have meet some fans that hadn't bought their way to see us so I decided to go out to the merch tables. The fans that had bought special Meet and Greet tickets already stood in a nice line and waited for MIW to come out. They shouted at me to come over as I walked over the floor but I just said that I would come back later and continued to walk out to where everyone else was.

I thought this whole thing with having to pay money to see us was a little ridiculous, but it was the managers demands so we would make more money.

When I got out to the merch tables I met Julie and my dad. "What are you two doing here?" I asked surprised. Happily surprised that Julie was here, not as much that my dad was here.

"I just had to see you perform but dad wouldn't let me go alone", Julie explained.

"Seriously Oliver, she's fifteen years old and you won't let her go to a concert by herself? I started to go alone when I was thirteen", I said to my dad.

"Well I don't think that places like these are appropriate for a young girl. Didn't you see the violence that was going on in the middle?" Oliver said.

"Well of course I did, it's called mosh pit, they exist on all rock concerts", I said like it was obvious. But hey, for me it was obvious.

"So what did you think of the concert?" I asked Julie.

"The first band really freaked me out to be honest, the last one too a little and even though you're band wasn't something I would listen to in a million years I liked to listen to you", Julie said and smiled.

"MIW and BVB freaked you out? How?" I said and laughed a little.

"They were scary with all that black make-up. Especially the singer in the first band."

"Chris? He's like the sweetest guy ever", I said and chuckled.

"Hey! Alex! Meet and Greet in five!" Jack shouted behind me.

"Okay", I shouted back. "Look I have to go but I'll come back in a couple of weeks and stay longer so we can hang out okay?"

"Wait a minute, I'm not sure if I'm okay with you going around all over the world with people I don't know", Oliver said.

"What? Uhm okay? Why are you telling me that? It's not like you can decide what I'm gonna do and not", I said.

"I am your father though and I care about you."

"You do? Really? It didn't seem like that when you just walked out from our family or when you know, you told the doctors to kill me without even coming to see me at the hospital."

"Alexandria please, don't start with that", Oliver said.

"Start with what Oliver? I don't care if you're my biological dad or whatever, I will never consider you as my dad again and I couldn't care less what you think. I'll call you tomorrow okay Julie?" I said and walked back inside to meet the fans.

Wow that man really knew how to make me angry. Fucking idiot.

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