Chapter 17

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I was packing my bags once again. It sucked to go out on tour again after being home such a short while but I did miss preforming though. 

I had packed all the clothes i needed for the months we would be gone and all I had to pack now was hair-stuff and all that shit. I also packed the picture of me and Alexandria that Danny took of us when we were on the Buried Alive tour. I would miss her so fucking much. 

Many people thought that the two of us was starting to be a thing but that was not the case. She was my best friend in the entire world and I loved her like a sister. I hadn't even thought about it anymore than that and wasn't planning on doing so, the friendship meant too much to ruin. 

I heard the door to my house open and close. Who the fuck was it that didn't knock? I took my baseball bat before I went downstairs to see who it was. Who knows, could be a weird stalker that tried to kill me. 

Of course it wasn't. It was Alex. She saw me and smiled big before she ran to me and hugged me. "Guess what!" she exclaimed.

"What?" I asked.

"We're on the same fucking tour!" she shouted and smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen. 

"Seriously?" I said.

"Yes! And the best thing of it all is that we're playing three shows in Sweden so you get to meet my best friend back home Danielle!" she said.


I had heard a lot about this Danielle girl. Alex talked about her all the time and it was obvious that she missed her a lot. She always told me everything they used to do back in Sweden and how often they used to get in trouble for what they did. I would have died to know Alex back then and see how she were because it didn't sound like the way she was now. 

Sure, she was pretty damn crazy and got the stupidest of ideas but still, I couldn't imagine her doing the stuff she told me she had done. Like put a teacher's jacket on fire, while the teacher was wearing it. 

I had once asked her why she had done all those things. She had answered that it was the only way to get her mothers attention back then so she did everything she could even though the things she did wasn't the greatest things. 

I felt kinda sorry for Alex who had to have a mother like that and live like she did when she lived in Sweden. She had told me everything about that. Well the stuff she remembered, after all, she did still have the memory loss thing. 

"Helloooooo! World back to CC", Alex said and waved in front of my eyes.

"Sorry, got a little lost in thoughts", I said. 

"I noticed that. What were you thinking about?" she asked.

"Nothing", I said and smiled. 

"Yeah right", she said and smiled. 

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