Carnid 2

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Enid's POV:

I stormed into the armoury room after Carl, determined to go with him to get Maggie to a doctor.

"Carl I wont to help." I said.

"I said no!" He snapped pilling all his ammo into his black backpack.


"I can't let you go, you saw what they did to Denies, what they nearly did to Eugene, Daryl, Rosita and Abraham, I'm not letting that happen to you." He snapped cutting me off, he stopped what he was doing and stared at me.  I didn't speak, I was thinking, thinking I wanted to be there for Maggie. Then it snapped I knew why he really wanted to go.

"You want to run into them, you want to." I said taking time to pause and look at his facial expression. He looked mad, revengeful even. "JESUS, THIS IS ABOUT GETTING MAGGIE TO A DOCTOR, NOT-" I stopped and shook my head in disappointment. "Screw you, I'm going." I said nastily, trying to walk past him. "Enid, wait!" He said now standing in front of me blocking the way out.

"Get out my way, CARL!" I shouted. He sighed and looked to the side and then back to me. His mouth open ready to speak. "Just grab some pistols from the closet, but hurry, we gotta go now." He said returning to do what he was doing. I stood there for a bit and finally did as he said. I turned on my heals and went towards the closet door. Opening it up, I got in and filled my hands with the pistols. I turned around in fright as the door shut behind me. I tried pulled at the handle of the door, but it was locked. I was trapped!

"Carl!" I called still trying to open the door. "Carl!!" I shouted, I banged on the door with my fist. "Damn it!!!" I shouted, still hitting the door with my fists. "CARL!!" I shouted, hitting the door with both my hands. "CARL!!" I shouted one last time before giving up. I stopped and was breathing out heavily. My bottom lip quivered. "What happens if you don't come back?,....How am I supposed to live with that?...What the hell am I supposed to do!?"  I said leaning against the door. I heard no answer from him, just a slight sigh.

"Just survive somehow." He said, I could hear his footsteps getting faint as he walked away. I hit the door several times more until I knew he was gone.

'Just Survive Somehow'


Sorry it's a little short, I like to write the short scenes with Enid and Carl. I probably the only one who likes Carnid, but I'm sorry it's short.

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