Request #3

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A/N: another request oh boy I love writing them. This is quite a hard one to write for me,but I don't want to diassappoint and I have been asked to leave this real amazing person unknown so this for you 'they who shall not be named' and thank you for the request. Sorry if its crap xxH

"Carl it's not that I hate's just, god you would never understand." I said bowing my head and walking away. I then had a glimmer of hope when he caught my arm with his warm hand. "Ben, we're best friends, best friends never keep secrats." He said sending me that gergous smile I always adored. "Just tell me, I'm sure what ever it is I can handle it." He said. I watched as his eye colour fanced beforw me as if maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to tell him. I took a deep breath and turned to face him fully. "Carl ever since the prison, I've had this feeling, I never knew what it was at first, but then the signs started to add up. When I first met you I thought your were an arrogant prick, but now it's something entirally different, what I'm trying to say is. Carl I think, no no I know I'm in love with you!" I said. God that felt good to get it off my chest, but now the other hard part. His reaction. His mouh was open wide in shock. "Ben, I...I."
"Its fine I get it."
"No, I understand loving someone and trying to tell them." He walked closer and higged me tight. We just hugged and to be honest it was he best hig of my life.

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