Realisation 2

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We got out, the walkers were gone. We lost a lot of people. Including Angie's mother and brother and Ryan. Angie hasn't talked since Ryan died. I got shot by Ryan and Michonne had killed him and I know Angie hasn't forgiven anyone yet.

I sat up from my bed, placing my hat upon my head and looking into the mirror. The bandage around my eye needed changing. After changing my bandage, I went downstairs to meet my Dad, Judith and Michonne. "Hey have you changed your bandage?" Michonne asked concerned.

"I'm going to find Angie."

"Carl?" Michonne called after me. I turned towards her nodding to let her speak. "Tell Angie I'm sorry, sorry about Ryan." She said looking upset with herself.

"yeah." I said after leaving and going to find Angie.

I walked to the docks where I could see Angie. Her face was tear stained and red. "Angie?" I called. She turned her head to look at me. She said nothing. "Angie you can't keep ignoring me....what happened to Ryan was-"

"What happened to Ryan happened and nothing can change that, he had it coming." She cut me off angrily. "I would've killed him for what he did, I'm sorry Carl." she said standing up and beginning to walk away. Before she could leave I grabbed her by her arm. She was so close and I couldn't take it no more. I kissed her roughly and it soon became soft. She pulled away slowly. "If that was pity, I don't want nothing to do with this." she said.

"I'm not pitying you, that day when I tried to kiss you for the first time and you said not now because you could've died that day, but you're here and you didn't die, your alive." I said

"And you only kissed me because I'm alive." She sighed.

"And because of so many other reasons that I can't seem to tell you cause I ain't good with this feeling thing."

"Why don't you just show me then." She said kissing me again. I felt her hand on my chest and I placed mine around her waist. Her skin on her hips was warm and sent tingles up my arms. My eyes were closed and I felt everything. Her lips, her breath, her tongue, her skin. It felt normal for her to be around me, but it also felt different. We pulled away again and I placed my hand on her cold cheek. "I think that spoke for itself." I said.

"You definitely gave me realisation."


Please comment for what you'd want my next part to be about xx H

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