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Hey guys! So, I know that I have been updating my other book "A Celebrity" a lot, but it's only because I'm trying to get that updated so that you guys don't always have to read this book, because I know that reading the same book over and over again gets crazy annoying, so I'm just trying to give you options on what you want to read. If you absolutely hate one of my books that I am finished writing, or that I am currently working on. Please private message me and tell me what I can do better on them, or if you want me to just completely get rid of it. It's all up to you guys, you guys inspire me to keep writing. So, if you want me to do anything completely different, private message me, and I will try my hardest to fix that problem for you. I love you guys with all my heart, and I hope that you have a fabulous day, night, morning, or afternoon.


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