Mussels in White Wine

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2 Shallots

2 tbsps Olive Oil

2 tbsps Butter

1 cup White Wine (Dry)

2 lbs Mussels (Fresh)

1/2 tsp Kosher Salt

2 Garlic Cloves

2 Fresh Bay Leaves (Sub dry)

1/4 bunch Fresh Flat Leaf Parsley (Sub Italian parsley)

2 sprigs Fresh Thyme


2 slices Country Style Rustic Bread (Sub any bread)

1 tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper

1 tsp Kosher Salt

1/4 cup Vegetable Oil (Neutrally, i.e. canola)

1/4 cup Olive Oil (Inexpensive, neutral, extra virgin olive oil)

1 Lemon

1 Egg Yolk


Measuring Spoons (Chef uses All-Clad Stainless Steel)

Measuring CUps

8 Quart Large Pot with Fitting Lid (Chef uses All-Clad Stainless Steel)

Tasting Spoon


Baking Tray (Chef uses All-Clad Ovenware 9x13 Shallow Baker)



Trash Receptacle

Mortar & Pestle

Small Bowl (Chef uses All-Clad Brand)

Step 1: Prep mussels: Clean 2 lbs of mussels under cold running water, pulling off any beards and discarding. Peel and thinly slice 3 garlic cloves and 2 shallots and set aside. Pick and chop 1/4 bunch parsley.

Step 2: Make sauce, make aioli: In a large pot, sweat 2/3 of the sliced garlic cloves (reserving the rest for the aioli) and the chopped shallots in 2 tbsps olive oil with 1/2 tsp kosher salt over medium-high heat until soft (2-3 minutes). Add 2 bay leaves and 2 sprigs of thyme and stir in the pot. Then add 1 cup white wine and 4 tbsps butter; reduce by half (about 6 minutes). Then make the aioli by adding the remaining 1/3 of garlic cloves with 1 tsp kosher salt into a mortar and use pestle to grind. Add 1 egg yolk and mix with pestle. Add juice from 1 lemon and whisk vigorously while slowly drizzling to add 1/4 cup vegetable oil and 1/4 cup olive oil.

Step 3: Finish mussels, toast bread, & serve: Add 2 lbs mussels to the pot and give a quick stir. Then cover with a tight fitting lid and let steam to open (about 3 minutes). In the meantime, turn the oven on to broil and cut 2 slices rustic-style country bread. Put on baking tray and place in oven, flipping them to the opposite side after 3 minutes. Alternatively, if you have a toaster, you can just toast it in there. Finish the mussels with chopped parsley, tossing gently to incorportate and close lid until you serve. Flip bread and toast for another 2 minutes. Take out the toast from the oven and spread on aioli and serve immediately with the freshly cooked mussels.


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Just remember that I love you guys with all my heart, and if you want to say something. Do NOT be afraid to comment or indox me. 

I love you guys,

Cody <3

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