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So, I know that I haven't been doing these "note" things in a while, and I know that I haven't updated this in a while either. I've just been crazy busy and I turned 16 YESTERDAY! So, that was exciting. Anyways, I know that I keep saying this and not making it come true, but I will try my best to update for you guys more often. It's just been crazy. With my job, high school, and just everything. I'm getting my permit tomorrow, so I definitely won't be able to update tomorrow, but I will definitely try more. 

Anyways, the main part of this was to say, HOW IN THE WORLD DID WE GET TO 4 THOUSAND READS ON THIS?!?! You guys are absolutely insane!!!!!! I love it so much, you guys are amazing. You never cease to amaze me. I love you guys so much, it always makes me incredibly happy to see how many reads we have. 

Alright, now you guys can go on with your day. Thank you for your time and undivided attention.

Thank you,

Cody <3

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