Brooke and Niall sitting in a tree...

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  • Dedicated to Catherine Lutterbie

Chapter 1

Brooke's P.O.V.

"Oh wait, guess what?" I said.

"What?" Liam, my cousin, asked over a Skype call.

"I quit my stupid nursing job."

Liam chuckled. "Why did you do that job anyway? I mean, aren't your parents like gazillionares? They give you everything."

"Well, I like to work for things but, I'm gonna take a break. If you need anything from nurse Brooke, I'll be there in an instant." I giggled.

"Will do," Liam laughed again. "well, I've gotta go. Simon wants to talk to me and the boys."

"Bye, Leeroy!" I cheered and ended the call before he could scold me for using the old nickname I gave him when we were kids.

I have never really met Liam's best friends. I had seen a few pictures here and there but that's really it. There music is cool but I'm not a crazy fan like the ones I've seen and talked to before. I haven't seen Liam in about 6 months and I honestly miss him a lot. Last time I saw him was at his X Factor audition. One Direction is already almost finished with writing their first album, so they are finally back in England for a year.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Hello boys. We need to talk." Simon said.

"Uh oh." Louis commented.

"What did Louis do this time? Flash the paparazzi? Throw water balloons at people? Oh, did he-" Harry asked, but was cut off by Simon.

"Actually, this isn't about Louis. He hasn't done anything."

"Yet." Louis said with a scary, evil grin on his face.

"Boys, I'm just gonna say it. You guys are wasting your money, you don't know how to spend it. You guys need to use your money for important stuff. Like on food and water, NOT renting out the whole entire bowling alley or anything else idiotic like that. So, we are only going to pay for your food, your bills, and your house for 3 months. This will teach you a very important lesson." Simon told us bluntly.

Oh God.

"We will have someone buy your food so you don't buy too much. You will each get 200 dollars a week. So don't spend it all in 1 place. I have to go to a meeting now, so here's your money for this week." Simon handed us our money and left us with our mouths hanging open.

We all left after a few moments of shock.


We went inside our large house and squished onto the couch. "I don't know how I'm gonna survive." Niall mumbled.

"Let's just go to bed guys. It's getting late anyways." I suggested and they mumbled a few responses in agreement.

We all went upstairs in a line, headed to our rooms. I got comfortable under my blankets after changing into my pajamas. I heard coughs coming from another room but brushed it off, keeping my eyes shut. After a few seconds, more hacking sounds erupted. They got louder as the time passed and I was starting to get worried.

I climbed out of bed, feeling the cold air hit my body, but still rushing to the hallway. I followed the sounds to Niall's door where the other three stood.

"What's going on? I heard coughing." I asked.

"So did we." Zayn said gesturing to him, Louis, and Harry. "It sounds like Niall is really sick. But we have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow and we can't pay for someone to stay here for however long he is sick."

"Actually, I think I know just the person. My cousin, Brooke, she just quit her nursing job and told me if I ever needed anything she'll help me. She's rich and could care less if we paid her. She would never accept money from any of us anyways, so we don't have to worry about money. I'll go call her to see if she can come." I told the boys as I ran into my room to call Brooke.

Brooke's P.O.V.

My phone rang, Liam's name popping up on my phone. "Hey Leeroy! What's up?" I yelled in to my phone, pretending to be drunk.

"Hey, you sound drunk." He chuckled lightly. "So I need a favor, could you possibly come here tomorrow and see if Niall is alright? I think he's getting sick and we can't afford to have him sick at home if he's really not."

"Of course, but why? Don't you guys have special doctors or something?" I replied.

"Money and Simon problems. Oh and I think he has a fever so, could you possibly stay here for a few days? Cause we are really busy this week. And I want to spend time with my favorite cousin. I haven't seen you in forever."

"Sure. I'll come around 11:00 A.M. tomorrow. And aren't I your only cousin?" He laughed at my realization.

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