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Brooke's P.O.V.

We sat, our orders had just come. As mine was sat in front of me, Niall grabbed my hand from under the table. I grinned back at his smile. We both let go so we could begin eating.

I twirled a small amount of spaghetti onto my fork and plopped it into my mouth. My tastebuds exploded as I chewed. I took a sip of my wine and continued eating until I had cleared my plate. Niall had finished first, then me, and then my dad. Which is really funny considering that he's always been the fastest eater.

When my dad took the last bite of food, he looked up shocked that he was last.

"Damn, either you guys are fast or I'm just getting old and fell asleep half way through." We laughed with him.

It's weird how my dad is acting so normal around us, like he's been with us throughout our whole entire relationship. I'm surprised he cussed in a fancy restaurant too. I mean, doesn't he seem like the type that would scold someone for cussing in public? Maybe he's allowed and we're not. Or he feels like he won't be judged or fired since it's just us.

"Want to order dessert?" Niall suggested and we nodded.

We ordered a scrumptious chocolate cake with vanilla ice-cream and hot chocolate syrup inside the cake. Yeah, I've eaten some pretty messy things tonight. God, I'm so stupid. Niall probably thinks I'm a pig!

"So, Niall, are you sure you want to date a girl who eats faster than her own father?" He chuckled as I glared at him.

"Yeah, she's my kind of girl." He grinned widely.

I blushed which made him smile even more, if that was even possible. I hid my face behind my curly hair.

"Awwww, come back out, little Brooke." I could tell he was giving the top of my head a smile by the sound of his Irish accent.

As soon as the check landed on the table, Niall grabbed it before my dad did. I would've tried, but my dad would've scolded me for trying to later on because he feels like it makes the man of the table feel unsuperior. But if Niall payed, he would gain more respect from my dad for being a gentleman.

"Now what kind of an impression would I make if I let you pay for dinner, Mr. Johnson?" He cheekily smirked as he brought out his own credit card.


After he had paid, we headed outside to the parking lot.

"Where's our car?" Niall panicked after we had gotten to the exact spot where we had parked.

He started running from isle to isle, searching for his black range rover.

"Guys? Hehe, yeah so, I think my car may have been towed... erm, shall we call someone to pick us up?" Niall walked up to us, fumbling his thumbs.

"As funny as this is, I think it takes a real man to admit something like this." My father laughed and nodded to Niall in answer. "Do you wanna walk around a bit while we wait for our ride then?"

"Sure!" I told my dad as Niall called up Liam.

We headed off, left of the restaurant. We were going for about five minutes before we stopped at a park with a small lake and white lights in the trees.

"This park is so beautiful!" I gasped as we sat down around a fountain.

I heard a quiet strumming off in the distance. I pulled my eyebrows together and listened closer to the melody. It sounded familiar, very familiar. I looked to Niall. What was he planning? Even though I was suspicious of him, I stayed quiet. My smile growing as I could hear the acoustic guitar more clearly and could finally pinpoint the name of the song.

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now