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Niall's P.O.V. (On the Ferris Wheel at the theme park)

"You know what those guys said about you being ugly? It's not true. I want you to know that. You're beautiful, you're perfect! You're everything I've ever wanted in a girlfriend. And, I know this is only our second date but, this is kinda a promise-promise ring. It's not as serious as a promise ring but, you know. Sorry. I'm not good at these things when I'm nervous. So?"

I can't believe I did it. I TOLD HER. Wait. I PROBABLY JUST WEIRDED HER OUT!!!!!! GOD NIALL!!! YOU CAN BE SO STUPID SOMETIMES!!!! Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

"No, it's fine, no need to apologize. And yes, I'll definitely wear it! It means a lot. Because, most of my past relationships-" She answered and slammed her hand over her mouth at the end.

SHE SAID YES!!!!! *Doing a happy dance in head*

Wait. What?

"What about your past relationships?" I asked.

Her eyes looked a little glassy but, she looked strong, like what happened in her past relationships didn't bother her.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, babe." I said and she loosened up a bit.

"No. It's time that I tell you..... everything." She said. I nodded meaning for her to continue.

What does she mean by everything?

(They are about half way to the top)

"In all of my past relationships, I've been,uh, u-used, cheated on, and, well, um..." I said realizing something.

It does hurt. I forced myself to believe that it was all ok and it was normal. It's not. And I didn't want to tell Niall the rest... But I need to.

"And, um, I was b-beat." I said in a small voice and burst into tears.

(I know, I know. Something like being beat always happens to the main character in these kinds of stories but, bear with me. I needed something like that to write)

Niall hugged me and hugged me. He never let go.

"I would never do any of that stuff to you, love. And you know that." He told me.

"I don't know." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I-I've been hurt to many times to trust... Anyone."

"Well, trust me. Please?"

"I can't. I've been told to many times."

"You've been told what?"

"THAT I DON'T DESERVE YOU, OK!?!? THAT YOU ONLY FEEL BAD FOR ME. THAT ONCE I'M HAPPY WITH ALL THE FAME, YOU'LL LEAVE ME!?!? I KNOW... I know that you don't, love me. Or even like me. I know that, this promise-promise ring means nothing to you. It was just supposed to assure me that you won't leave. But you will, I know you will. They always do."

Niall just looked at me, eyes glassy, and took the ring off my finger.

"This ring means so much to me. And it means even more to me when you wear it. I want you to wear it. But do you?" He asked.

I looked down and he continued.

"I love you. I do. You are my world. I would marry you right now if I could. I would NEVER hurt you EVER. And all those things people tell you, are wrong. I love you, because you're beautiful, smart, funny, perfect, and you're you. And if anything, I don't deserve you. And I'll never leave you, because I love you. I love you to the moon and back. And I will, forever."

"Really?" I asked.

"It will be forever true."

And we kissed. And I know I've said this before, but it's true. Every kiss gets better than the first. Each 1 gets sweeter. And the spark gets bigger.

I put the ring back on and thought 'God I hope he's telling the truth, because I'm falling for him hard'

Thanks for reading! I'm probably gonna update again tomorrow! Watching old reruns of Wizards of Waverly Place!


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