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Liam's P.O.V.

This was our plan,

I was supposed to for Brooke to go to church. Check!

The boys would go with us. Check!

After church we would go out to eat. Check!

Niall and Brooke stay after we leave. Check!

The only thing left to do was Niall ask Bro-

My thoughts were interrupted by Niall walking inside the house slamming the door.

"HEY! How'd it go you 2-" Louis stopped and whipped the smile from his face.

"Where's Brooke?" I asked frantically and looked behind Niall to make sure she wasn't there. She was nowhere in sight.

I was right in front of Niall when he pushed me to the ground and screamed,


Niall kinda scared me for a second until I saw a the pain in his eyes. His eyes were red and puffy. He whipped around and went up the stairs. We heard his door slam shut and lock.

Louis helped me up and I sat down.

We decided to give Niall some space and called Brooke.

Niall P.O.V.

As I pushed Liam and screamed and him. I regretted it. I was taking out my anger on him.

I wanted to believe her but... I don't know. I can't. I don't trust her, that much, anymore. But, I still love her. What I said to Liam about never talking to her again, was a lie.

I ran upstairs, slammed my door shut and locked it tight.

I jumped onto my bed as tears were streaming down my face. When she comes to get her stuff, I'll try to talk to her. I have to. I love her to much to let her go.

But you know what they say, "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be."

Brooke's P.O.V.

I woke up and turned on my phone because I turned it off in church and forgot to turn it back on.

Woah! 50+ calls 50+ texts.

All of the calls were from Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn. None from Niall, which I knew he wouldn't want to talk to me.

Here were the texts.

From Liam:

Brooke where are you?

Come home!







We're SO worried!

What happened?

Tell me where you're at! We're gonna pick you up!


From Louis:


Where are you?










THAT'S IT. I'M CALLING THE COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Harry:

Hey Brooke

Can you answer please


Please answer

Liam is hyperventilating. See? (Pic of Liam freaking out)

Kinda funny. Wait, no it's not. O my God, yes it is

Wait, never-mind about dat


Please tell us where you are?

What happened?

Babe, please answer.

Babe? Please stay safe and answer us as soon as you can. Love u.

From Zayn:

Hey Brooke?

I know something happened between you and Niall that was big.

He's crying in his room.

If it's something you did, don't stress yourself out too much.

I'm not going to try to pry it out of you.

We just want you to come home.


Be safe.

We all love you so much.

And I know what you're thinking 'You all love me but Niall'.

But that's not true or else he wouldn't be crying. And he is.

We ALL love you and miss you! Please come back home! We can sort out all the problems later. Love u!

What Zayn said made me trust him. He's the 1 boy of the group, you can always talk to.

So, I got dressed, did my bathroom routine, and checked out of the room. I started walking again. Heading to my house.

I then got the courage to call Zayn.

"Hello?" I said quietly, regretting my finger clicking the call button.


"Shh! Be quiet. And yes, it's me."

"Everyone is freaking out."

"Yeah, everyone." I said under my breath sarcastically, hoping Zayn didn't hear.

"Hey. I know he wants you back home." He said because he heard me.

"I am going home. My home."

"No, you're coming here."

"No! And Zayn? I know you're dying to know what happened." I said.

"Oh dear Lord, yes!" He said.

I told him everything.

"So, Niall thinks that you, cheated? On him?"


"Ok, hey where are you at right now?"

"Um, the highway that starts right by that café we went to on Sunday. I'm by exit 12. Why?" I asked.

"Because I'm not gonna let you walk all the way to your house!" He said in a 'Duh' tone.

"Oh, I guess you can. I mean, I don't want to take up your whole day."

"Ok, get off at exit 12 and go to the closet food place. Ok?" He asked.


Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now