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Brooke's P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning, well rested, and got up to check on Niall. He was asleep while the rest of the boys were gone, so I decided to take a shower. When I got out I ran a brush threw my hair, dried it, and did my usual morning routine. I walked out of the bathroom with no towel wrapped around me, forgetting to grab one beforehand. I had to use Liam's shower because I didn't know how to turn my shower on, his being easier to figure out.

I was already in the hallways when I heard Niall get up and open his door. Before he could see me, I ran into my room and quickly shut my door. I heard a knock at my door and I called out, "Just a minute!", hearing a faint "Okay." said in reply in a familiar Irish accent.

I threw on a white T-Shirt on and pulled on my black jeans. I ran into Niall's room, afraid something was wrong with him.

As I entered, he looked up and smiled a bright grin. "I'm sorry, I was changing, uhh, what did you need?" I asked.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm okay. I was just gong to see if you were okay, and to tell you I don't have a temperature anymore." He answered me.

"That's great Nialler!" I clapped my hands together. He told me he still had the other symptoms though, which didn't surprise me.

I made us some breakfast and we got to know each other. I told him how I had skipped the 7th grade because I had already learned the stuff they were teaching, I told him all about me, and how much fun Liam and I used to have.

He told me about himself and how he likes food, games, singing, having fun, and lots of other stuff. I then proceeded to help Niall up the stairs and put him in his bed. We watched more movies, since that's all he could really do with the little energy he had, and had lots of laughs.

The next few days were a blur. Niall had gotten better so I was currently at the house home alone. I had done everything I possibly could, which was watch tv, eat food, paint my nails, read, and go on Twitter and Facebook. After much groans in boredness, I found something to do. FaceTime my friend, Jessie!

I walked upstairs, went into my room, and unlocked my IPad. I went to the FaceTime app and clicked on her icon.

We hadn't talked since I came to the boy's house, so we had tons to talk about. From gossip to me living with One Direction. She is an extreme directioner and I'm a fan but not as crazy as her. She still freaks out over the fact that I was Liam's cousin. But since I'm living with him and the rest of the boys for about 2 weeks, she's reached a new point in excitement and flipping-out-ness.

After about 2 hours of talking to her, we said our goodbyes and ended the FaceTime, me already hearing the boys coming upstairs. I didn't want to surprise Jessie like that and have her make a fool out of herself, so I decided that it was for the best.

Liam came in and said they had bought Nando's. I followed him downstairs and ate with the rest of them.

"You know this is the first time I've had Nando's," I mentioned to the boys.

In response they all hung their mouths wide open.

Zayn chuckled, "Yet you live in the UK."

"Well," Niall started. "Did you like it?"

"I think it's my new favorite restaurant." They cheered.

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now