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The boys and I started watching a movie, but about half way through the movie, all the boys left but Niall. When the movie was over, it was about 11:30 P.M.

"Hey Brooke?" Niall asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I-I was wondering if, uhh, if you would like to, uhh, be my date to the concert tomorrow? All the boys are, umm, bringing dates and I really like you and I, uh, asked Liam and he said that he trusts me to, um, date you, and yeah. So, would you be my girlfriend?" Niall stuttered in a nervous tone.

Oh my God! Did he just seriously ask me that?

"Yes! I mean, um, I like you a lot too. And I would really like to be your girlfriend. So, yes!" I told him.

"And if you don't want to be my girlfriend after the date, then you can tell me. But, if you still want to be my girlfriend after the date, then I will ask you to be my girlfriend in a more special way." He told me. I said ok and I reassured him that I would stay his girlfriend. We said our goodnights and went to our rooms.

Niall's P.O.V.

I can't believe she said yes! She actually agreed to be my girlfriend!

I exhaled as I jumped on to my bed, consumed with happy thoughts. I am so excited for the date tomorrow! I just hope she likes it.

• N E X T D A Y•

Harry's P.O.V.

I started to forgive Niall because I thought Brooke showed no interest in him. I thought last night, that some of the boys would stay up for the rest of the movie so, I went upstairs first to figure out how to get Brooke to go out with me today. I figured I would tell her my feelings and she would say yes. But, around 11:45, Zayn burst into my room while I was asleep and woke me up. He said and I quote, "Harry, guess what!". I asked him what, he said chicken butt, and then told me that "Brooke and Niall are dating!".

So now I hate Niall, yet again. This time, my anger is stronger though. I didn't think it was possible, but it definitely was. I have to make Brooke jealous! I think Louis knows that I like Brooke, though. This could be good or bad news, which one, I have no idea.

Brooke's P.O.V.

I woke up extra energized this morning. I got up right away and got in the shower. I thought about the date. Thousands of questions were going through my mind. What will we do? Where will we go? Will I still want to be Niall's girlfriend? What will I wear? The more I thought about this stuff, I realized I have never been on a date before! I climbed out of the shower after 5 more minutes of thinking. I wraped myself in the towel and went into my room.

I quickly dried my hair and threw on some comfy clothes. I realized it was only 10:30 am and I ran down stairs. I made a ton of pancakes for the boys, I took my share and went into the living room to watch tv.

At around 11:30 am, Niall came down stairs and immediately said "Goodmorning love." With a smile and sat down with a plate full of the homemade pancakes I made. He took a bite out of a pancake and said, "I'm in heaven!"

I laughed at him. "What? You're the best cook in the world!" Liam came down the stairs, right as he said that.

"You didn't know that, Niall? She's amazing!" He said, right when Zayn came down the stairs.

"You mean, amazayn!" Zayn said with a grin.

"What's gotten you so happy" I asked Zayn. "Guess who I get to see tonight at the concert?!" He exclaimed.

"Umm, I dunno. Justin Bieber? Katy Perry? Wait, don't tell me, it's the teenage mutant ninja turtles, isn't it?!" I said sarcastically. (A/N: Ahem, 5sos.)

"Perrie!" He screamed with excitement.

"You mean Katy Perry?" I corrected.

"No, my girlfriend Perrie Edwards!" He said and grabbed pancakes, Liam following suit.

Harry and Louis had come downstairs during Zayn's and I's conversation, already scarfing down the pancakes.

At about noon, I walked back upstairs to my room. I needed to find out what to wear. After about a 30 minute freak out, I decided not to wear a dress. That would be too dressy. I can't dress too casual, that won't be good enough for my first date. We may do something afterwards.

After an hour of hating all my clothes, I decided on my new pair of dark blue jeans, ivory undershirt and over it, a black lace shirt with a collar with little black beads on the outlines. I also choose black lace flats, a light blue heart necklace on a long chain, and a pair of rose earrings that matched the color of the necklace.

It was perfect.

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon