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Brooke's P.O.V.

I rolled my suitcase into my closet, having unpacked rather quickly. Niall's muffled coughs interrupted my thoughts and caused me to speed walk to his room.

"Okay so, do you know if you have a thermonader anywhere?" I questioned Niall after greeting him again.

"Erm, in there." He answered while pointing to a cupboard in the bathroom. I went in the bathroom and looked inside the cupboard. I found the thermonader and checked Niall.

"Yeah, you have a temperature of 100 degrees."

I asked him for his other symptoms. "Well, I have a cough, sore throat, and I keep on sneezing." I then told him he just had a bad cold and it would go away in 3 days if he did what he was supposed to do.

(A/N: Lol I'm not a doctor so just go with it.)

I heard the other boy's voices coming from downstairs. They must have just gotten home from the studio.

I went downstairs to get them, needing their help. "Boys! Get your little butts in here!" I called out from the kitchen.

I watched as they all came in one by one, faster than I had expected.

"Excuse you, but I have the biggest arse out of all of you." I giggled at Louis sassy remark.

"Ok so, I need a few things." They nodded for me to continue. "Liam get me a wet washcloth and make sure it's been rung out. Harry, get a T.V. tray and bring it to Niall's room. Zayn and Louis, go to the store and get this medicine, frozen lemonade, and honey." I ordered nicely, handing Zayn a piece of paper with the items written on it, not trusting Louis with it.

"Sir, yes sir!" Louis said while saluting me. I sent him a fake glare. "I-I mean, maim, yes maim?" He corrected himself jokingly nervously.

Harry came first, handing me the T.V. tray. I thanked him watched as he disappeared down the stairs. I went into Niall's room and set it up. All of a sudden, Liam burst into the room, earning a frightened 'bloody hell' from me, and handed me a white washcloth. I nodded in thanks and he left just as quickly as he had come.

I put the washcloth on Niall's head, receiving a faint thank you from him. I smiled at him and put the T.V. remote, thermonader, and tissues on the tray and I headed downstairs.


Zayn and Louis came back in 10 minutes and I got started on making the lemonade and honey tea. Once I had finished, I took it all upstairs. After setting it all down, I instructed Niall on what everything was.

"I made sure they got you the good tasting medicine and made you some lemonade and honey tea to help with your throat."

"Thanks, the tea is delicious by the way." I thanked him and left, giving him some space, to watch some tv with the rest of the boys.

Sorry it's short! -Cat xx

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now