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(All of the Twitter names used were made up)

I woke up the next day and checked twitter.

"Woah" I whispered.

I had a ton of mentions! Some were a little mean.

'@BrookieJohnson Get away from Niall, you scumbag! Nobody likes you! Just GO! NIALL'S MINE!!!!! #BIALLHATER' from @CarlyHoran101.

That was harsh! But then there were a lot of nice and encouraging ones.

'@BrookieJohnson You and Niall look so so sooooo cute together! Don't listen to all those mean people! #BIALLFOREVER' from @KaitlynCutie7.

I followed @KaitlynCutie7 and went downstairs. Harry had Samantha over, she was really nice! Her and Harry look really cute together. I'm happy for him, he was kinda lonely. I felt bad.

"You ready Harry?" Liam asked.

"Where are we going?" Harry said.

"Studio!" Louis said rather loudly.

"OH! I completely forgot! I just invited Sami over." Harry said.

"I'll stay with her," I volunteered. "I need some girl time!".

Sami agreed. YAY! Girl's Day!

"Love you babe!" Niall said kissing me on the forehead.

"Love you too my little leprechaun!" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

The boys left and I sat on the couch with Sami.

"So, what do yo-" I started but was cut off by Sami.


Wha? She has to be joking.

"Haha, very funny Sami. But seriously, what d-" I said but was once again cut off.

"Do you not understand the term LISTEN?!?!" She screamed and slapped me on the face, hard. I could tell my face already had a red hand mark on my face.

"You actually thought I liked Harry? Didn't you?" She said.

What's going on? Wait. No! This has to be a prank! There's no other w-

"I hate Harry actually. He's full of himself! He thinks he's so great. You know who I want? Go head guess. NOW!" She screamed.

"Umm, I gues-" I was cut off again.

"TOO SLOW. I WANT NIALL. You don't deserve him at all. You are worth NOTHING. 0, zip! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Niall just feels bad. He's gonna drop you the second you're happy and popular. Which is NOW. Everyone on Twitter is like, 'Brooke! She's so pretty and sweet! Her and Niall are PERFECT!'!!!! Well, you better be GONE by tomorrow morning. You will meet me at the abandoned mall on main street. You will tell no one I put you up to this or where you are going. IF you do tell people that stuff or you don't go, no one will see you, EVER. AGAIN. And when they finally find you, YOU'LL ALREADY BE DEAD. SO, start packing. (<Said with smile and sweet voice.)" Then she smiled but before she left, she said "Enjoy your last night here! FOREVER."

When I saw her get into her car and go out of sight, I screamed. BLOODY MURDER.

I started hyperventilating. I ran upstairs and into my room. I sat at the desk and pulled out some paper. I still had a few hours until the boys came back. I got out a pen and started writing.

'Dear boys,

I have to leave. Someone is threatening me that if I tell you where I'm going, or who it is, they will kill me. I'm going far away, and don't bother looking, they said that they will kill me before you'll find me. I don't want to put you guys in danger. The person wants Niall, and will do anything to get him. Niall, I know you'll blame yourself for all of this. I know you will, but please, don't. I know you guys may cry, please don't. Tell my family I love them. Tell my parents that I will miss them and that I love them. And tell my sister, Rosie, that she can have my gold bracket that has a heart on it. She's always wanted it. Tell her I love her dearly and to not miss me. Tell everyone I love them. It will be okay. I have written you guys some letters. I love all of you guys. Goodbye.

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now