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Brooke's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day and got into the shower. It was Sunday. I only had a week left with the boys. I got out of the shower after about 10 minutes.

I dried my hair and curled it. I threw on brown leggings, UGGS, and an aztec, tan dress. I did my makeup natural and light. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs.

"Hey!" I said as I sat down next to him and kissed his cheek.

"Good Morning, Babe. Where are you going?" Niall asked.

"Liam's making me go to church. Wanna come?" I asked.

"Only because you're going." He said kissing my cheek.

"Can I come?" Zayn asked.

"Sure! We were hoping you boys would come with us. But, how are we gonna get Louis and Harry to come?" Liam asked.

"Aw, stupid, innocent, little Liam. We're gonna trick them, silly!" I said.

I went to their rooms and told them we were getting a movie and if they didn't come, the other boys and I would sacrifice them into a mob of girls or I would throw water on them. I prefer the first 1 though. TeeHee.

You're probably thinking 'Why is it your favorite Brooke'. Well, I would get to start the 'SACRIFICE' chant. AND THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!

Anyways, they shot out of bed thinking that I was dead serious. But it was just my inner actress.

We went outside and let Louis and Harry go in first. When they were crawling to the back being idiots, we put the doors on kid-lock. We knew they would try to get out when they figured it out.

We got in and drove to the closest church. We were about 5 minutes away when they figured it out.


They were banging on the windows and doors.

"I know!" Louis screamed.

He went to the front of the car and opened the sunroof.

"LATER LOSERS!!!!" Louis screamed and jumped up, trying to fit his body through the sunroof, but I grabbed his legs before he could make it out.

"Don't even think about it. Sometimes I think you're mental." I said.

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now