Thirty Two

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Brooke's P.O.V.

I pulled my suitcase down the stairs, it making a loud noise after it hits each step.

Liam, Zayn, Harry, Louis and Maura's heads all snapped towards me from the couch.

They all rushed to me and sent questions flying at me.

"GUYS!" I cried out, tears reforming in my eyes as they looked at me all startled.

"Boys, let me talk to her in private," Maura's said and the boys nodded. "And no eavesdropping!"

The four boys frowned but left. Maura led me over to the couch and looked into my eyes.

"What'd he do?"

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"I know the look in people's eyes when they're hurt. Please, tell me what's wrong." She hugged me.

"...M-Management... They're making him b-break up with m-me!" I cried on her shoulder.

She gasped and hugged me tight.

"Why would they do such a thing to you guys?! You were such a magnificent couple!" I could tell that she never liked management by the look of disgust on her face.

"They said that I-I was giving the N-Niall a bad look!" I cried, loudly.

"How were you giving him a bad look!?" She questioned, still very angry with them.

"B-Because... These fans..." I started, not knowing how to finish.

"What'd they do to you, hun?" She asked.

"They... They said I was an ugly, annoying bitch and they asked Niall why he was even dating me!" I said ashamed of myself.

Those words had echoed through my mind ever since that girl had spoken them, but I had just pushed them back. Yes, I have been called those things before, but not in public with Niall on a date! It was just so frustrating!

"Oh my Lord! Some of those fans of the boys are crazy! You're beautiful! You are no where along the lines of an annoying bitch! And Niall? He is lucky to have you. He has told me that himself. A lot of times, actually." She said to me softly, patting my shoulder.

"And remember," she looked straight at me. "When someone says bad things about you, it's because they're jealous."


"So, what'd you do after they said that?" She questioned.

"Well, I kinda... Sort of... Slapped her? And called her a bitch..." I sighed at my actions.

She laughed at what I had did and told me, "Well, she kinda deserved it! She just needed a little taste of her own medicine!"

I chuckled a little but sighed again.

"So why don't you just promise to act kinder towards the fans so they'll allow you two to date?"

"Because they don't want Niall to be dating a goody-two-shoes." I frowned.

"Well... Management is stupid!" I chuckled. "I want to give you some wise advice but I've never had to deal with this kind of thing. Maybe... Have a meeting? Like privately? You know, no press or anything?"

"Good idea! Thanks for the 'Wise Advise' Mrs. Horan" I quoted her.

"Anytime, Hun, anytime." She chuckled.


After I told Niall his mom's idea, we scheduled a private conference with management and Simon.

I heard Paul say that this was really all Simon's idea because I was supposably 'giving the boys a bad look'. Mmhm bad look, my ass. I could see if I just suddenly slapped that girl and called her names for no reason but, I was defending myself from the hate. I just wish I hadn't slapped her. God, I hate it when I mess up things like this.

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now