Twenty Seven

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Brooke's P.O.V.

After we ate breakfast and me, Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis got changed as Niall waited for us, I put a blindfold on Niall. I grabbed his hand and pulled him from the couch.

"LEGGO!" I screamed and we left, me dragging Niall by the hand.

We got into the car and I helped Niall put on his seatbelt. The driver already knew where we were going and sped off to the theme park.


When we got there, I led Niall and the rest of the boys to the entrance. I put my index finger onto my lips to the workers so they would be quiet.

Once I handed the workers the tickets, we headed to the fake Eiffel Tower and got into the elevator.

Once we were at the top, I led the boys over to the front of the viewing deck.

"Ok, Niall, you ready?" He nodded.

"On 3!"



"3!!!" We screamed and I ripped the blindfold off of Niall.

We all stared in awe at the view.

"Wow," is all Niall could say. "You did this for me, Brooke?"

By this time, all the boys had wandered to the other side of the viewing deck.

"Yeah." We smiled at each-other.

"Thank you so much, we're gonna have SO MUCH FUN!" He looked at me excitedly.

His eyes flickered to my lips before returning back to my eyes.

We both leaned in and... *BOOM*

There goes the fireworks, bombs, missiles, dragons, and butterflies in my stomach. Electricity runs through our skin as we touched. I'm truly in love with this boy- no, man.

After we left the Eiffel Tower, we rode all the rides, played a bunch of games, and ate tons of food.

We even went to the water park area! The last ride to go on was, The Banshee. The most coolest, funnest, newest ride they have. WOOHOO!

Harry and Zayn chickened out, Louis ate too much food and went on roller coasters, so he's at 1 of the trash cans here and Liam is helping him feel better. So it's just me and Niall riding.

We got out a little scared but as soon as we went down the first hill, I was screaming in joy with my hands up in the air. Niall was doing the same thing.


Me and Niall kissed when it was time to take the picture. I bet it's going to look ADORABLE! Oh, and trust me, that pose was really hard to hold! The ride was SO FAST IT WAS UNREAL!

We got off the ride and ran to the picture booth. AWWWWW! IT WAS PERFECT!

We both bought the pictures, and we had to go, even though it was only 4:00 P.M. But I have other things planned for us to do!

So we headed to the movie theater. The boys were so excited when I told them we were seeing, 'This Is Us'

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now