Twenty One

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Brooke's P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning to the beautiful, California, sunshine, shining onto my eyes. I slowly opened them and looked around. I love California.

I got up, peeled my clothes off, and hopping into the shower. I scrubbed my hair with strawberry shampoo and ran my fingers through my hair with peach conditioner. I rinsed my hair with warm water and let the water run down my body, drenching it from head to toe.

I washed my body with dove soap and shaved with my razor. I opened the shower curtain but quickly grabbed my towel and closed the curtain. It's freezing out there. I quickly dried my body and wrapped my towel around my body.

I climbed out of the shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and went into my room. I feel like exploring California today. Never been here before.

I put on a black, tight, belly-shirt that had red flowers printed on it. I put on a black, sleeveless, t-shirt over the belly-shirt. Then I put on dark blue jean shorts with a black watch and a tan flip-flop with black fringe on it.

I walked downstairs to see the boys laying lazily on the couches with the AC on blowing full blast and watching T.V.

"GET UP YOU LAZY ARSES!!!" I screamed which made them flinch.

"What?" Louis groaned.

"Come on! WE'RE GOING TO EXPLORE!!!" I screamed doing a funny dance.

"Haha! Nice dance!" Niall chuckled and got up.


I threatened Liam with a spoon and he went wide-eyed, got up, and I'm pretty sure I've scarred him for life.

For Zayn, I just found a mirror and threatened to snap it in half.

Now down to the harder two boys. Harry and Louis.

"Harry, I swear to God. If you don't get up, I will straighten your hair every night for the rest of your life." I told him, dead seriously.

He gulped and looked over at Louis to see him shaking his head no.

"Ummm.... Louis, I'm sorry. I have to go." Louis fake cried on the arm of the couch.

"Louis. Just come with us," I said and showed him my puppy face. "Pleaassseeee??? Pretty please with sugar on top?"

"UGGGHHHHHH! Fine." He muttered.

"YESSS!!!!!!! VICTORY IS MINE!!!" I screeched my victory call. Haha.

Me and Niall skipped out to the car. He sat in the drivers seat and I sat on the passengers side.

"Niall? Are you sure you want to drive? I mean, I'm used to the different sides and stuff but, you aren't."

"Babe? How do you know how to drive here? I mean, I know how you used to live in Ohio, but you were little. Then you moved to the U.K." He chuckled smiling a me.

"Well, when I still lived in Ohio, I would watch my nanny drive. And I learned the basics like the petals, what the different signs and lights mean, and which way to turn the wheel. And when I moved to England, I was 10. So when I turned 16, I lived at my aunts house for a little and she taught me how to drive. So yeah." I told him as he nodded. "Oh and I learned how to drive in England by a driving teacher."

"Oh, well do you want to drive?" He said and I nodded.

We switched sides and drove off. I turned on the radio and the new song by Jason Derulo was on.

"TALK DIRTY TO ME!!!!!!!" I screamed to Niall and he started twerking in his seat.

We erupted into laughter when this guy in the car next to us looked at us with most confused look on his face.

I parked the car in a parking lot near the Golden Gate Bridge.

"UGH! I HATE WALKING!" I complained.

"Here Princess," Niall bent down. "Hop on!"

I giggled, walked backwards a little but said, "Are you sure? I weigh a lot." I looked down in shame.

"YOU DO NOT WEIGH A LOT AND YOU KNOW THAT." Niall said so offended that you would have thought that I called him fat.

I giggled and ran forwards and jumped onto Niall's back.

"SEE! I told you Princess. You weigh as light as a feather. Actually lighter than that." Niall chuckled.

"Thanks." I whispered into his ear.

"No problem Princess. I always speak the truth." He answered in a hushed tone.

"Hey! SECRETS! SECRETS! ARE NO FUN! UNLESS YOU TELL! EVERYOONNNEEEE!!!" Louis and Harry screeched in unison.

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora