Twenty Two

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Brooke's P.O.V.

The boys are back on tour again. I looked around the tour-bus.

Harry was on his phone texting.

Zayn was sleeping on Louis's shoulder.

Niall was eating. Surprise, surprise.

Liam was sitting on the couch.

Everybody was occupied at the moment so I started reading a magazine.

All of a sudden, Liam got up and ran into the bathroom.

"Somebody has to pee." I said quietly and Niall and Harry snickered.

After Liam was in there for about 15 minutes, I said, "Guys, imma go check on Leeroy."

"K" They both said.

I walked through the doorway between the living-room and the bathrooms.

I knocked on the door that had light shining through the bottom crack.

"Hey Liam? You ok?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." He sniffed quietly, trying his hardest not let me hear.

"Liam. I can hear you."

"Y-yeah, I figured you would."

"Come on out. Lets talk in the back."

"Fine. I'll be in there in a sec." He said.

"Ok." I told him and walked into the back.

We were on the same bus we were on before. The back-room had couches, a T.V., a desk, and a mysterious bed. Nobody knows why there's a bed in here. Louis has some dirty minded thoughts about why.

I sat on the bed and waited for Liam.

I hope nothing terrible has happened. I can only think the worst when I saw his face when he came in.

Puffy, red eyes. Face wet with the remains of tears he tried to wipe off. His tanned face was now bright red.

"Liam?!?" I said a little louder than I had planned on.

"Shhh! Lower your voice." He whisper/yelled.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly. "But what's wrong?"

"I-I, well- It's just... I'm sad. And lonely. I miss Dani but, she said that she doesn't feel the spark anymore..."

"Awwwwww, Liam, I'm sure you'll find someone again. Maybe she just wasn't the one."

"NO! I LOVED HER. AND... And I thought she loved me."

"There are millions of girls out there that would kill to just hug you! And ya know what? They all love you. And so do me and the boys. It's gonna be ok." I said rubbing the upper part of his back.

"But, what if it's not? What if the same thing happens again? It could happen to Zayn, Louis, or Harry! HELL, IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU AND NIALL! YOU NEVER KNOW! ONE DAY THE PERSON YOU LOVE COULD JUST TURN AROUND AND RIP YOUR HEART OUT AND THROW IT ONTO THE GROUND-" I cut him off by sprinting out of the room and slamming the door.

Liam's P.O.V.

As I was yelling, I realized I was just taking my anger out on Brooke. But before I could stop, she ran out, slamming the door behind her.


Niall's P.O.V.

After Brooke left to go check on Liam, I stuffed my face with food. Mmmmm... And it was good. I was eating pizza, chips, icecream, and drinking pop. Yeahhh... I'm so unhealthy.

"Liam?!?" I heard Brooke's voice yell, so I jumped up but sat back down knowing it was Brooke's surprised yell. I knew Liam wouldn't hurt her so she's safe, plus if she did scream I would be there in a millisecond.

After a few silent moments I heard, "But, what if it's not? What if the same thing happens again? It could happen to Zayn, Louis, or Harry! HELL, IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU AND NIALL! YOU NEVER KNOW! ONE DAY THE PERSON YOU LOVE COULD JUST TURN AROUND AND RIP YOUR HEART OUT AND THROW IT ONTO THE GROUND-" and a door slam.

Louis and Zayn woke up but before they could ask I was out the door. I was gone so fast I didn't even see Harry's reaction.

"BROOKE?!?!?" I screamed. "BROOKE?!?!? ARE YOU OK?!?? WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?"

I went searching through all the rooms and finally found a locked closet.

I knocked on the door and asked, "Princess? Please unlock the door."

"N-no. I-I wanna talk to Louis." She said, sniffling.

"Ok, just call me if you need me." I was hurt when she said that but I knew it was because he's had so much experience with these things with his sisters.

I ran down the hall, wanting my Princess to be happy as soon as possible.

"What's happened?!?" Harry asked.

"She won't tell. She wants to talk to Louis." I said.

Louis nodded and I told him where she was.

After Louis left, I sat down biting my nails.

Louis's P.O.V.

As I ran down the hallway to the closet, I wondered what was wrong. And why did she want to talk to me and not Niall?

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now