10 ● I Win! Again!

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Jesse hadn't texted me since Saturday night and now I was going to see him in class. I felt nervous a little bit.

For a moment that night, I had made it known to him that I wouldn't mind if he kissed me... and he didn't. Then he doesn't text me after then and he was going to walk through the classroom door any minute.

I shouldn't have come so early.

I just bent my head over the desk and texted Juliet about my current state. After Kai had left on Sunday night, I had immediately called Juliet. I needed at least one person to talk to about Jesse that didn't hate him.

Juliet said she was on Kai's side, whatever she meant but as my only female friend, she was willing to hear, and she wasn't judgmental about it.

I hadn't even eaten too much during lunch. Instead, I rushed down to class because maybe I thought I'd see him here waiting for class to begin, and I could play it off like I was doing the same thing.

But instead, I was in class alone with two giggling girls at the back that probably had a lot to say about me.

Class had started and there was Yvonne, but yet no sign of Jesse.

Has he changed calculus class? Was I that bad?

After class, I had dropped all my pride aside and asked Yvonne about him. Immediately, a wide smile and knowing look appeared on her glowing face. "He's ill. Food poisoning," she said so happily.

Who'd be that happy to see that their friend was sick?

"You should call in. Or better yet," she told me fishing into her bag for heaven knows what. "Go see him, see how he's doing. It'll make his whole day... and help me give these to him."

She handed over what seemed like all her note books and walked away before I could refuse. I looked down at my hands.

Go see him, see how he's doing. It'll make his whole day... She knew... if not about our little escapade on Saturday night, then definitely about the fact that he likes me .. Or claims to. 

"Please don't overreact to the question I'm about to ask you," I said to Kai as I got into the car and shut the door.

The engine was already on, so he just stepped on the accelerator and we were already moving. "What?" He asked.

"Can you drop me off at Jesse's. I--" I was quickly cut off thanks to the speed and utter suddenness at which he stepped on the break. My whole body lunged forward and I almost hit my head. "What the hell is --"

"Why do you need to go to Jesse's?" He asked with his fierce eyes at me. It scared me how angry he recently got when I mentioned his name.

I quickly regretted even asking. "He's sick, Kai. He missed school."

"And this has to do with you how?" He asked quirking a brow up at me.

I instantly felt like I was at a job interview.. and something told me I wasn't going to get the job.

"Yvonne asked me to give him her notes. What the hell is your problem?"

He fell quiet and put his eyes back on the road, releasing his leg from the break pedal, and once again, we were rolling.


He drove in a deadly silence. However he ended up dropping me at where I had requested. If he didn't, I could've easily walked. It's not like Jesse's house wasn't two streets behind ours.

I hopped out of the car and turned back to say thanks. "Should I wait?" Kai asked, not even looking at me.

"You don't need--"

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