15 ● Bite Me

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I stood just a few feet from my wall mirror staring at the reflection of me in nothing but a bra and a pair of Kai's old pajama pants.

Are my boobs growing bigger?

Most girls would wish they were. I, however, wished they weren't.

It was already uncomfortable enough that I couldn't sleep peacefully with my chest faced downwards to the bed.

I had a body that most girls would kill for, at least that's what Juliet told me, and my mom as well.

But yet somehow, I was still single with no man in my life. And you could guess who's fault that was.

"Do you ever wear a shirt or something?"


I turned to my window and watched as he jumped in.

It was all his fault. Okay, partly mine because I didn't like to speak to people and I hid my body beneath big t-shirts and comfortable sweatpants.

Although occasionally, I would dress up and maybe wear a pair of leggings and a hoodie.

I hated wearing clothes that made me uncomfortable.

I pulled my hair up in a loose ponytail as I walked over to Kai.

"I'm so mad at you right now," I said to him once I came to a stop right in front of him.

I made sure to be close enough so he could feel the heat of my wrath, even though I literally had to bend my neck backward just to look at him.

"I know," he said.

Good. At least he knew. I walked back over to my mirror and folded my arms, keeping a mean face like I wasn't going to talk to him.

"That's why I'm here," he said, walking over to me. He stood behind me and placed his arms around my bare stomach. His head rested against mine. "I'm sorry," he spoke into my hair.

I began feeling uneasy and mostly cautious. My gaze fell to the reflection of his toned arms around me on the mirror.

He wore a tank top, so I could see how his muscles flexed just because his arms were around me. I could see the veins on his arm.

My mouth felt dry and I quickly turned around, managing to push him off me without being aggressive.

Talk about thirsty.

"Do you even know what you did?" I asked as he kicked off his Nike slides and hopped on to my bed.

"Isn't this about Jesse?" He asked.

"What about Je--" and then I realized. He was apologizing for how he had acted.

I didn't expect an apology because that was how he usually acted. I always just overlooked it, but he actually apologized.

My heart went soft and I decided not to go off. "Oh," I said in a light voice instead, jumping unto the bed and sitting on top of him. "I forgive you, but I was actually talking about how you brought up seeing me naked!"

I threw a punch to his stomach.

Yes. This was me not going off on him.

He let out an 'ow' and grabbed hold of my hands.

"What are you talking about?" He asked between cackles. "No one heard me."

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