34 ● I'm In

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I didn't understand why I even came with them on this stupid trip.

The person that had made me sign up was not even talking to me... not that I blamed him of course.

He probably hated me now... although his friend, Corey, was trying to tell me otherwise.

And all I was really trying to do was shop.

We had three shopping days before we left back to our tiny town and I wanted to make sure I got as much things as I wanted.

But Corey was interrupting me with stupid thoughts I didn't want to bother myself with.

"C'mon you said he makes you sad and angry. Of course he's not gonna wanna talk to you," Corey said. Apparently Kai had told him everything that happened, including the part where he confronted my cheating boyfriend and I was 'ungrateful' about it.

"That doesn't mean he hates you though," he added.

I sealed my mouth shut and continued staring back at the cute pair of maroon flats staring right at me.

Well he damn right should.

"Sky, c'mon. Just go talk to him," he nudged on as I began trying them on.

"Corey, I'm in the middle of something," I sighed, trying to fight off the urge to actually go talk to Kai.

"Those are hideous," he commented, picking the shoes up and throwing them back on the rack.

He was really getting on my last nerve. I looked up at him and shot him a glare.

"He misses you," he told me, ignoring my harsh gaze. "Just ask him how he's been lately."

He misses me.

My heart went soft and I almost collapsed. I wanted to talk to him more than anything else in the world.

"If I talk to him," I asked, with my hands on my hips and my eyes rolled back, trying to give the impression that I wasn't doing this cause I missed Kai more. "Will you stop following me around like a bodyguard?"

He laughed but nodded.

Sighing, I gave him the bags of things I had bought to hold for me and walked into the neighboring store which I knew he was in.

Looking for him was quite hard since the store was made out of black tiles and bright lights. And he was wearing black jeans and a white shirt.

He perfectly camouflaged in.

After walking around the whole store twice in search of him, I noticed a pair of black boots standing just behind a rack of clothes.

It resembled his shoes, so I followed it and lo and behold found him.


With his tongue down Dahlia's throat.

Or hers down his.

Anyway, it was definitely her hands in Kai's pants, stroking his ..

"Hm," I heard someone give out a scoff from behind me and turned to see Jesse walking pass, a satisfied grin on his face.

I quickly swallowed my pride and with my head down to the floor, walked out of the store to get my things from Corey.

I couldn't even blame Corey for this.

He was standing just by the entrance, waiting for me to tell him how it went, possibly thinking it would go smoothly.

"Well?" He asked, handing me over my bags.

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