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*Picture of Khloe Martinez*

"Khloe wake up your going to be late" my brother Kevin yelled causing me to groan and roll over in bed.

"Khloe" he yelled getting closer and I put my pillow over my head.

"Khloe you gotta get up to go to school. Summer is over" he laughed while shaking me but I didn't move. Then I heard him walk away and I began to fall asleep again.

"Koko wake up" my sister Kaylee yelled before jumping on my stomach causing me to groan because I wasn't ready. But it woke me up.

"Thanks Kale" Kevin said before giving her a high five and she smiled.

"Welcome Kevi" she said before getting off of me and running down the hall.

"I don't want to go to school" I whined before rolling over again.

"Too bad. Quinn will be here in half an hour so get ready" he said before I heard him leave. I lied there for another ten minutes before actually getting ready.

"Finally Ms. Martinez is ready" Quinn said when I walked into the living room and I rolled my eyes at his tone but I smiled before hugging him.

"Good to see you too Quinn" I said before grabbing my bag.

"Quinny" Kaylee yelled before running up to him and he lifted her up.

"Hi Kaylee" he said and she blushed before he set her down and we went outside in the pouring rain to his car.

"Oye cómo chica era su verano" Carly said when we walked up to her Jackson Alyssa and Abby.

"Hey baby" Jackson said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

"Fue genial cómo era México" I said to Carly and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Stop speaking Spanish we don't understand what your saying" Alyssa said and Carly and I laughed.

"We were just talking about summer" Carly laughed.

"Well Khloe's summer was great we had lots of fun at her house, didn't we babe" Jackson said before rubbing my hip.

"I don't know what your implying Jackson, but Khloe did say it was great" Carly said before winking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Carly when are tryouts" I asked to change the subject and she noticed.

"Soccer is tomorrow Volleyball is next week and cheer is in two weeks" she said and I nodded.

"I'm gonna head to class bye guys" Abby said before we all said goodbye and she left.

"We should get to class too" Quinn said before we headed to class.

"Hey do you wanna hang out after school today, I'm gonna have the house to myself" Jackson whispered in my ear in class.

"I can't" I said bluntly. I'm still pissed at him for saying that in front of our friends.

"Why is that babe" he said with concern.

"I have to babysit Kaylee" I said and he sighed.

"Sorry I'm being a little pushy, it's just we barely saw each other at all this summer, I miss you" he said before squeezing my hand.

"Jackson what you said made everyone think we had sex this summer and we didn't, I don't want them to think of me like that" I said and he understood because he had a sorry look on his face.

Khloe Martinez Where stories live. Discover now