T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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"Mommy wake up" Bella yelled in my face before I woke up and she smiled.

"Hi pretty girl" I said before poking her nose and she giggled.

"Hi mommy" she giggled before giving me a kiss and I smiled.

"Daddy said to wake you up" she said and I smiled before slowly getting up and walking downstairs while holding Bella's hand.

"Hey baby" Quinn said before kissing me and I smiled.

"What's going on, why did you wake me" I asked and Quinn smiled.

"I have a surprise, get in the car" he said and I sighed before he led me to the car and Bella sat in the back.

"Where are we going, I'm not dressed to be in public" I said and he laughed.

"We're not going in public" he said before turning into a neighborhood and stopping the car at a random house.

"Who's house is this" I asked before he got out with Bella and he opened my door. We walked into the house and it was empty and I was very confused.

"Where are we" I asked and he smiled before looking at Bella.

"This is our house" he said and my jaw dropped before I looked around more.

"You're kidding me" I said before walking upstairs and there were four bedrooms.

"How did you afford this" I asked and he smiled.

"I've been saving up while you guys were gone" he said before I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"The babies are moving" he laughed and I did too before backing away and he put his hands on my tummy.

"I wanna feel" Bella yelled before touching my stomach and I laughed at her reaction.

"Gross" she said before removing her hands and I laughed.

"Wanna see your room Bella" Quinn said and Bella smiled before Quinn grabbed her hand and went into one of the bedrooms and I followed them.

"It's so big" she screamed while running around her new room like crazy and I laughed.

"Wanna see our room baby" Quinn asked and I nodded before he led me to our room with his hands wrapped around my waist.

"It's amazing Quinn,I can't believe you did this" I said and he smiled before kissing me.

"Anything for our family" he said and I smiled before checking out the rest of the house.

When we got back to I guess it's Angela's house now, we got ready for my ultrasound appointment. We get to find out what the babies are today.

"What do you want" he asked and I shrugged.

"I don't care, it's not like I get a say in what we have" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I hope one of them is a boy and one is a girl" he said and I smiled.

"It would be easier to tell them apart that way" I said and he rolled his eyes again before kissing the back of my head.

When we got to the ultrasound appointment I was a little nervous, I'm always scared they're gonna say something is wrong with me or the babies.

The same doctor took us to a room and since I know the drill I just pulled my shirt up for him, then he started moving the stick around and I closed my eyes hoping everything will be okay.

"Do you guys want to know the sex of the babies" he asked and I nodded.

"You're having two boys" he said and I opened my eyes to look at the screen.

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