T H I R T Y - F O U R

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~One month~

Hey baby, everyone misses you so much, I start school in two months, I wish you were here with me. How is Bella doing, I miss her too, Kevin is still looking for proof, he hasn't found any. Gabby and Kevin are still dating, my mom is being really clingy to me because she misses you and Bella. Kaylee is getting worse but the doctors haven't said anything, she misses you so much Khloe, she's getting depressed, we all miss you.
- Quinn

I miss you guys too, I'm looking for a job to provide for Bella, because right now I'm relying on Kade for money. Bella can lift her head now, she responds to sounds, she loves staring at people's faces, she makes cute little noises like ooh and ah, and she laughs and smiles. Tell Kaylee I love her and I wish her a happy late birthday. Tell everyone I'm doing fine and Bella is too, we love you guys so much.
- Khloe

~Two months~

Kaylee's getting worse, the doctor said she probably only has a couple months left to live, Kevin is taking it really hard, he started drinking because he's getting so stressed, he needs you, he stopped looking for proof. Gabby is trying to help him but he is shutting her out, gabby is getting depressed because he's ignoring her, he's ignoring all of us, he just wants to be with Kaylee. I'm doing okay, and so is my mom, we all miss you and love you.
- Quinn

I got a job as a waitress at a diner near by, it doesn't have the best pay but it helps, tell Kaylee that everything will be okay. Do I need to come home, is she that bad, is she going to die Quinn. Bella is making more cute noises and moving more but she still can't crawl or anything, she's so beautiful Quinn, she has your smile. Tell everyone we're okay too, I love you.
- Khloe

~Three months~

Kaylee isn't getting worse but she's still in the same condition, which is bad, the doctors said she still has a couple months, so don't come home yet, I'll let you know when. Kevin opened up to gabby so their relationship is doing better, he's still drinking a lot though. I started collage, it's so different but it's fun, I wish you were here. My mom started dating this guy, I don't like him, he's a tool, but she's happy. Can Bella talk yet. We all miss you.
- Quinn

Bella is silly, she laughs and smiles all the time, she's a happy baby. She just gurgles and coos, she can't talk yet. She ignores Kade and only responds to my voice, I don't think she likes him. She can roll over when she's laying down, she's getting bigger too, she's sixteen pounds. Tell Kevin that I love him and to keep looking for the proof so I can come back home, and tell your mom I'm happy for her, and you need to except the fact that your mom can date guys Quinn. Love you.
- Khloe

~Four months~

Kaylee is actually getting a little better, when the doctor told us that, Kevin started drinking less but I think he has created an addiction so he's still drinking, but he's looking for proof again. My mom stopped dating that guy because he had a wife and she didn't want to be his mistress, so she's sad that it didn't work out. I'm doing good, but I want you guys back so bad.
- Quinn

I love you guys, and so does Bella. She makes noises when someone talks to her, it's so cute. She said dada for her first word, probably because I talk about you so much, and she has her first tooth. She weighs eighteen pounds now, she's wearing six month old clothes and she's four months, so she's kind of chubby but she's adorable. I miss you guys, tell everyone I love them.
- Khloe

~Five months~

Kaylee is getting better, the doctors think she's going to live unless some freak thing happens, she's so happy she's getting better but she misses you. Kevin found proof, your dad apparently had cameras in the house and there are videos of him hitting you. He talked to your dad, he turned in the proof to the police but your father ran away, Kevin said he's looking for you. So don't come home yet, but you can come home soon. Collage is fun, there are lots of parties, but it's hard too because of the work, I still don't know what I want to do though. Love you.
- Quinn

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