T H I R T Y - S I X

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"Mommy why are we packing" Bella asked as I was packing all of our stuff.

"We're going to see daddy and the family" I said and she smiled.

"Okay, why isn't Kade packing" she asked and I crouched down to her height.

"He's not going with us, he's staying here" I said and she frowned.

"Why" she asked and I sighed.

"He has family here, he doesn't need to go with us" I said and she still was sad.

"You get to meet my brother and sister, and your daddy's sister, and your little baby cousin, plus your grandma, it will be fun" I said and she smiled.

"Okay I'll help" she said before opening her suitcase and packing one item at a time.

When we finished packing we got in kade's car and he drove us to the airport.

"Where are we mommy" Bella asked and I smiled.

"The airport, were flying to see daddy" I said and she smiled.

"Cool" she said while looking at the planes flying outside.

When we got on the plane Bella was so excited to see everyone that she couldn't stop moving around in her seat.

"Bella, behave" I said and she frowned before sticking her tongue out at me, but she calmed down.

When we landed I rented a car because nobody knew we were coming.

"We're here" I said and she looked at the house.

"It's big" she said and I laughed, she's only ever been in a one story house.

We walked up to the door and I knocked on it and looked at Bella. I was so nervous, I don't even know why, it's just my family.

A man I've never met before answered the door and looked at me then at Bella.

"Angela, come here" he said with a smile and I smiled too.

"Oh my god Khloe" Angela said the second she saw me and she ran to hug me and I smiled.

"Bella, you've gotten so big" Angela said with tears coming down her face and Bella looked at me.

"This is your grandma, she's daddy's mom" I said and Bella smiled before hugging Angela.

"Love you grandma" Bella said before Angela picked her up and brought her inside and I followed them.

"Quinn get down here" Angela yelled and Bella giggled before his door opened and the second he saw us he ran downstairs and hugged us both.

"What are you guys doing here" he asked and I smiled.

"We're back" I said and he smiled.

"Where's Kade" he asked.

"He stayed, he had family in California" I said before he hugged me again.

"Kaylee is at school, she will be home in a couple hours, I should call gabby and Kevin so you can meet Hayes" Angela said before setting Bella down and she went in the kitchen to call them.

"Who's here" a guy asked while walking out of Kevin's old room and I assumed it was Tomas's son.

"Jared, this is Quinn's girlfriend Khloe" Tomas said as Jared came down the stairs.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jared, but I prefer Jerry" he said and I smiled.

"Nice to meet you too" I said before he looked at Bella and crouched down to her height.

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