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*Picture of Quinn Treys*

"Abby said you were with Quinn yesterday, you told me you had to babysit" Jackson said clearly jealous while I was putting my stuff in my locker.

"He was helping me with homework" I said even though I decided to quit in the middle. 

"I could always help you" he said and I sighed.

"But he's the smartest person I know, plus he's my best friend Jackson, you can't get jealous that I talk to my best friend" I said and he sighed frustrated with me.

"Did your brother even need to ask him a question yesterday or were you lying" he said getting mad and I raised my eyebrows.

"You really wanna pull the lying card, Jackson you lied to all of our friends yesterday, I just wanted to spend time with my best friend, you wanted to make yourself look good, when are you going to grow up Jackson" I said before slamming my locker and walking away to the girls bathroom.

"Are you and Jackson fighting" Abby asked me when she walked in behind me.

"Yes we are, why did you tell him I was with Quinn" I asked but I wasn't mad at her.

"I'm sorry, but when Carly asked what you were doing in the girls group chat you said you were doing homework with Quinn and he read it, it was an accident please don't hate me" she said and I hugged her.

"I could never hate you for something so small like this, don't worry about it, I'm sure Jackson and I will be fine" I said and she smiled before leaving. But I honestly don't think Jackson and I will be fine.

"Awe are you and Jackson having a hard time" someone said before opening the stall door and I saw the school slut standing in front of me.

"No were fine" I said because I know what she's thinking.

"Liar, I just heard you, I can take him off your hands if your tired of him, he's hot, he has abs, a chiseled face, a nice butt, he has it all" she said before walking up to the mirror and putting on a fresh coat of lip gloss.

"That's enough Jordan, he wouldn't cheat" I said thinking about his parents and she looked at me with a smirk.

"What if he already did" she said and I just looked at her in disbelief.

"Your lying" I said thinking about how he's been touching me, he loves me.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, you know who else is yummy, your friend Quinn, maybe I can have them both, like you" she said before leaving and I wanted to cry, I hate her.

"Oh my god I can't believe she did that" Carly said when I told all the girls the story at lunch while the guys bought their lunch.

"She's a bitch Khloe, today at soccer tryouts you should hit her in the head with the ball" Alyssa said and I smiled at the idea but I'm too nice of a person, I think.

"He didn't cheat, he was home all summer, she was just trying to get to you" Abby said and I knew she knew because she lives with him.

"Babe you have to try these fries" Jackson said before eating some and offering me one.

"I'm good" I said and he ate the one he offered.

"Khloe do you want me to wait for you and give you a ride home from soccer tryouts" Quinn asked and I saw Jackson shove a fry in his mouth looking super pissed off.

"Umm, you don't have to, my brother doesn't work today, he can just pick me up" I said and he nodded. Usually I would say yes but I want to try not to piss Jackson off again.

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