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*Picture of Abby Peters*

"Hey babe, why weren't you here on Thursday and Friday" Jackson asked about to wrap his arm around my waist but I slapped it.

"Don't hey babe me, we're done, go call Jordan your babe, you two deserve each other, you're a cheater just like your father" I said before slapping him across the face and walking away.

"Did your father teach you to hit people when your mad" he said and I stopped walking.

"What did you just say" I asked walking back to him embarrassed.

"I know he hit your mom, my dad is a cop remember" he said grabbing my arm and I pulled it away.

"Whatever, have fun screwing Jordan in hell" I said before leaving and I went to the bathroom and started crying.

He was my first boyfriend, I thought he cared about me. I guess not if he was so desperate for sex he went to the school slut.

"Are you okay, I saw your break up" Carly asked with Alyssa and Abby following behind her.

"I'm sorry I didn't find out sooner, he kept it hidden really well, I think he still loves you, because he would always talk about you" Abby said and I sighed.

"Well obviously not, if he had to ask her for what I wasn't giving" I cried and they all hugged me.

"It's okay, we can have a girls night tonight, at my place" Carly said and I hesitated.

"We have ice cream" she said and I smiled.

"Fine but I will have to sneak out since it's a school night, but when I snuck out last time I got in trouble" I said and they all smirked.

"Right, you still need to tell us about sneaking to Quinn's in the middle of the night" Alyssa said and I blushed.

"Nothing happened, he just helped me out with something" I said and they all rolled their eyes.

"Mierda" Carly said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll tell you about it tonight, but I won't be able to come until like ten" I said and they nodded.

After our little meeting in the bathroom I went to the locker room to see if they put the soccer team up yet and they did. I looked for my name but I didn't find it. I guess hitting your head and almost passing out isn't soccer team material.

"Did you make it" Quinn asked from behind me making me jump and he laughed.

"No, probably because I had to leave half way through due to my injury" I said pointing to the smaller cut on my forehead.

"You covered up your bruises good" he said touching under my eye and I slightly winced because it's bruised.

"Sorry" he said and I smiled.

"It's fine, I have to get to class, I'll see you later" I said before hugging him and leaving.

At volleyball tryouts I was focused, because I needed to be on this team more then anything.

I just pretended the ball was Jacksons face and I never missed once and the coach even talked to me and said I had a guaranteed spot on the team.

When I got home from school Jose was sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching tv.

"How was school" he asked and I looked at him.

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