T H I R T Y - O N E

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"Baby wake up, it's time for the baby shower" Quinn said and I groaned before he helped me up and walked me to the bathroom.

"Can we cancel" I asked as he started stripping me.

"No everyone is already here" he said and my eyes widened.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner" I asked before I removed the rest of my clothing and he grabbed my clothes.

"Because then you would be even more grumpy then you are now" he said and I glared at him before brushing my teeth then getting dressed.

Angela and I agreed on me wearing a maxi skirt and a v neck with my converse since they are the only comfortable shoes that fit me right now.

"Are you gonna brush your hair" Quinn laughed and I looked at myself. I look like shit.

I quickly brushed my hair then I put on some natural looking makeup.

"Do I look good" I asked and he smiled.

"Always" he said before kissing me and we went downstairs to see everyone. There were a bunch of pink balloons and and pink gift bags and food. It was so overwhelmingly pink.

"Do you like it" gabby asked before I hugged her.

"I love it" I said before wiping my tears.

"Please tell me those are happy tears I see" Abby said and I smiled before going and hugging her.

"This is so awesome" I said before I saw Kade and I smiled. I haven't seen him in forever.

"Khloe I would like to introduce you to my sisters" Angela said and I smiled before she led me to two blonde girls a little younger then her.

"Hi I'm Annie" one said and I smiled before shaking her hand.

"And I'm Alison" the other one said and I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you two" I said before they smiled and I went to greet everyone else.

"What are you doing here" I asked Kade before I hugged him.

"I got you a gift" he said and I smiled before I brought him in the kitchen to talk privately.

"What's up" he asked and I sighed.

"My dad wants to kill my baby, and a month ago he brought me to his house and had these random guys rape me" I said trying not to cry.

"Are you okay" he asked and I nodded.

"Physically, yes, mentally, no" I said and he hugged me.

"He wants to take my baby right after it's born, I don't want that to happen, I don't know how to stop him" I said and he sighed.

"You can't stop him, he gets away with everything, but you can run and hide with me, we can come back and visit every once and a while, and your dad can't take the baby away" he said and I nodded.

"I'll think about it" I said before we walked back out to see everyone eating.

"You should have told me you were eating" I said before grabbing a plate and getting a little bit of everything.

"Sorry honey, but Quinn said not to interrupt you" Angela said and I smiled. Quinn knew what I was telling Kade.

"Well then thank you for the privacy, but food is better then privacy" I said before eating and Angela just laughed.

"After all of you are done eating I have some games for you all to play" gabby said and I smiled before eating faster because mama wants to play some games.

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