T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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I woke up to the baby crying and I got up and walked into my old bedroom.

Today is the day I leave and go to California with Kade. Today is the last day I'll see Quinn and my family for who knows how long.

"Shh mommy's here Bella, shh" I whispered as I lifted her out of her crib and rocked her. She eventually calmed down.

"Today's the last day you're gonna see your daddy" I whispered and she yawned.

"I love your daddy so much, I don't want to leave, but my daddy isn't as nice as yours" I whispered before I felt arms wrap around me.

"I love you too" Quinn said before kissing my neck and I smiled before turning around to face him.

"I don't want to leave you" I said before a tear fell out of my eye.

"I don't want you to leave either, but this is the best for Bella" he said before kissing her head and I smiled.

"Do you want to hold her" I asked and he nodded before I gave her to him.

"I love you princess" he whispered to her and I started crying.

"Don't cry baby, everything's gonna be alright" he whispered to me before he sat down on a rocking chair.

"But what if it's not, what if my dad finds us and it was just a waste of time leaving" I said before he patted his lap and I sat down on it.

"Don't say that Khloe, we just have to hope for the best" he said and I nodded before leaning against his shoulder and looking at our beautiful baby.

"We made her" Quinn said before lacing his fingers with mine and I smiled.

"Today is the day she was supposed to be due on" I said and Quinn smiled.

"Well I'm glad she got here sooner, she has your eyes" he said and I smiled while looking at her blue eyes.

"She has your hair" I said before running my hands through his curly hair, he needs a haircut.

"You have curly hair too so shut up" he said before running his hands through my hair and I smiled.

"How's everything going in here"Angela asked really loud and I instantly shushed her.

"Bella's sleeping" I said and she nodded before walking over to us.

"She's so beautiful" Angela said and we both smiled.

"All the boys are gonna be after her" Angela said and I laughed a little.

"No they won't, if they do I'll shoot them" Quinn said making Angela and I just laugh.

"You don't even know how to use a gun Quinn" Angela said and he frowned.

"I have plenty of time to learn" Quinn said before Bella woke up and yawned.

"Hi princess" Quinn said before kissing her nose and she tried to reach for his face but couldn't and she frowned.

"I love you" I said before gently poking her nose with my finger and I let her hold my finger in her hand.

"You guys are too cute" Angela said and Quinn and I smiled.

"I wish she could talk already, I'm gonna miss her first word" Quinn said and I frowned before kissing his cheek.

"I'll make a video and send it to you in the mail" I said and he frowned.

"But it won't be the same" he said and I frowned too.

"Kevin and gabby are downstairs, do you want to bring her downstairs to see them" Angela asked and we nodded before Angela helped me up since I'm still like sixty pounds heavier then I was before I got pregnant.

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