My Friend

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Yes, I am including myself into this on shot, get over it. (: You all should leave me some prompts!

Words: 859


"Hey Daniel." My roommate barged into my room.

I scoffed, "What the fuck Blur, what if I was naked?"

She chuckled, "Not like I haven't seen it before."

"You like it though." I joke.

"Dan, I'm gay."

With her rebuttal we both burst out into laughter. Blur was actually gay and that's what made it funnier. Blur wasn't her true name either, I picked her up to what she won't admit was a one night stand and she was still pretty hammered and the only thing she would say is, "Wow, everything is a Blur."

"Anywhore, I'm going out with Anna for lunch, do you have any plans for today?" Blur asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, Im going to see my mom about 6pm and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be home tonight. Don't do anything gross, okay?"

"Does a huge lesbian orgy count as gross?"

"Ew! Yes it does B! Get out of my room!" I threw a pillow at her and she started cracking up.

She blew me a kiss, "I'll see you tomorrow Dan. Love you!"

"Love you too you useless lesbian."

So, Dan got up and got ready for his day. He showered, not bothering to straighten his hair, get dress, and head out to catch his train. By the time he finished catching up with his mum he took the 8oclock train home.

I walked into the house a little after nine to see the lights on in the living room. I slowly pushed open the door to see Blur tangled with three other males.

"Blur what the hell!?" I yelled shielding my eyes.

All four of them bursted into laughter, "Dan, this is Pj, Chris, and Phil."

I moved my fingers so I could see through them, "And why are you in boxers and a tank top entertained with three males?"

"Because Annabelle had to get back to campus so I invited over my other friends." Blur explained.

"You had Annabelle over after lunch didn't you?"

She blushed, "Don't worry about it."

After some time of silence Chris spoke up, "Is this the pretty boy you always talk about B?" 

She nodded and everyone looked over to me. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. I gave them a nervous smile.

"He is pretty." Pj chuckled.

I noticed the third one stayed quiet. He also seemed like he was trying to avoid eye contact. He was very attractive as well. Black hair and what seemed to be crystal blue eyes.

"I'm going to go pick up the pizza, will you all promise me that you won't rip each others faces off or tear apart the house?"

In unison we all responded to Blur, "We promise."

With that she grabbed her shoes and left. I then realized there was alcohol sat on the table. I saw six pretty much empty cans.

"B didn't drink before she left, right?" I questioned worriedly.

They all shook their heads and Pj spoke, "No mate, she had the smaller and I mean tiniest sip of one of mine like two hours ago but those are all from us."

I let off a deep exhale of relief. I knew she would never drink and drive but I had to make sure she didn't make a really stupid decision. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer for myself and the boys called out asking for one as well. Within the our we each had another beer and a few shots of vodka. A lot of flirting took place and we were all smashed.

"I have a great idea!" Chris almost yelled, "Let's play spin the bottle."

We all nodded and cheered grabbing an empty bottle and placing it on the floor.

"Phil should go first!" Pj smirked.

Phil hiccuped before smiling and spinning the bottle. It slowly came to stop pointing right at me. He smirked and practically jumped on top of me. Our lips connected in a fiery passion while Pj and Chris hollered. They went quiet after a few seconds signally they started making out as well, which did't surprise me. Phil pulled him on top of him and I straddled my legs around his hips not disconnecting our lips.

"Sorry it took so long, I picked up Annabelle on my way home." Blur stopped and looked around the room.

Annabelle laughed, "Are all your friends gay?"

Blur nodded, "Apparently so."

I pulled away from Phil for a second, " You said we couldn't rip each others faces off so were sucking them off."

She laughed, "Well y'all have fun, clean up when you're done, use protection, Annie and I will be in my bedroom, don't disturb us."

Chris and Pj stood up, "we should head back to our flat, it's literally a few stories down so don't worry were not driving."

Then Phil and I were left alone in the living room, my legs still around his torso.

"B always talks about you and hot damn I never knew you were truly this sexy. Well I did the first few times we talked." Phil spoke.

I looked at him, "We've talked before?"

He nodded, "They don't call me AmazingPhil for nothing."

Suddenly, I remembered everything. All our messages and Skype calls, everything. It all made sense. I smiled at him before attaching our lips again this time with more romance and a lot more lust.

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